065 Common Enemy

Scarlett’s POV

The man stands up with a hand supporting his heavy body on the table, then starts stretching his limbs in a string of painfully slow moves, ignoring me and Ava in total. His hair is messy, and his smelly clothes loosely hang from his beer belly. Then he opens a bottle of water, rinses before he swallows the water in his mouth, and splashes water on his face and head until the bottle is empty. He grabs what looks like a dirty shirt and wipes his head.

He doesn’t look like a thug. Thug has better bodies…and probably healthier lifestyles,


to chairs in a dark room of what looks like an abandoned building, and it seems that his intention behind

in the room and lights penetrate my eyes, leaving a sour sting. From Ava’s hisses, I

you asked me yesterday. But I’m leaning toward believing her now. She lured me here; yes. But she

The man walks over.

to meet his eyes, but I can’t look away when danger approaches. The grey shirt he’s wearing looks like it has been on him for days, smells like that, too.

at me when he’s close enough for me to smell his breath. His eyes are red due to lack of

we are here? He is

glance at Ava and

two and two together, anger burst out in my chest. So he abducted Ava thinking she was “Sebastian’s woman“, and to save her

065 Common Enemy


going to

keep a calm voice, answering him

beyond my control. Seeing that, he lets out a

breaks out on my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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