155 Who’s Your Male Lead

Scarlett’s POV

He knows nothing!

“I have never followed you anywhere,” I fold my arms, feeling safer. His suspicion is only about that night. No way he would ever suspect that I heard his dark plan, too.

“You FAILED to,” He corrects me in an arrogant tone. Lucas’s pride would definitely refute if he was here. But he isn’t.

“Are you always this paranoid, or you don’t know the possible consequences of slan grin at him, and he purses his lips into a smirk, not talking back.

Lawyer?” I

“Mr. Scott,” James Deep makes way and Oliver Scott follows us out, and so does Damian Vanderbilt. I follow them, and can’t help but throw peeks at him from the side.

This man is my brother? Biological one? Like Gabriel to Ava? He is taller than Gabriel, but not as bulky. He wears thin glasses, but somehow I just feel like he is not any less a fighter than Gabriel. What would it be like if he was as protective of his sister as Gabriel of Ava?

“Like what you see?” He suddenly turns around and catches my glance. I roll my eyes and look away, not missing his taunting chuckle.


He nods in an indifferent tone, ignoring me. I frown with my eyes shut, forcing myself to not look at him. Oliver Scott sends him off before he comes back to me

with everyone even if just met for

straight face, “The character is added too late so I didn’t have time to find the best fit like everyone else, but he is a great actor, and he does have a lot of what Adrian–I

ear tips burn at that

raises his eyebrows exaggeratingly, “Did I just hear some dirty little secret of the


I frown, but my rebuttal only widens


just like how Gabriel would when he teased me.

sorry,” Oliver Scott frowns lightly, taking a step back,

grunt in frustration, mostly to myself, “It’s nothing personal but you are far

Who’s Your

at either of the men, I went to the shooting scene that was ready for the director’s eyes, pretending to be interested. Adrian wasn’t in love with me, but when he mistook me for Aurora, what i saw was a reliable, loyal man who was fun and a bit flirty, but

bit flirty, and handsome, and maybe he can act as if he

blocking the thought of a possible prejudice entering my mind. I don’t want him. Not as Adward. Not as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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