She Returns As A Billionairess

She Returns As A Billionairess By Fiona Jaramillo Chapter 428

Chapter 428 Poor Girl

She looked at Cecilia’s confused eyes and suddenly laughed loudly

“What are you laughing at?”

Cecilia gritted her teeth and was very dissatisfied with Gianna’s current attitude.

“Poor girl, I am laughing at your brother. How can he be so unlucky to have such a ***sister like you?

Look at what you did! Your brother exposed my plagiarism and ruined my career. You actually came to me?

Who can you blame in this case? Isn’t it all your fault?”

Cecilia seemed to suddenly come to her senses. She stared at Gianna, who gave the bodyguard a look. She

was then thrown out of the hospital.

It was still snowing outside. Her coat had been removed as she struggled, and she was mercilessly thrown

the ground

and could

Cecilia’s ears, and hatred grew from the bottom of her

was all

was all

for Kaylah, all of this


He held an emergency meeting to assign tasks to the people in various departments.

Hendry finally got through. Kaylah picked up the phone. He seemed to

a glimmer of hope.

finally answered

finish, he heard Kaylah’s

Don’t be mistaken. The reason why I chose to cooperate with you is that

phone was

looked at the phone, and his heart ached. He laughed

He still provoked her.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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