She Returns As A Billionairess

She Returns As A Billionairess By Fiona Jaramillo Chapter 441

Chapter 441 To Protect Her

It could be seen that this man was trying hard to protect Kaylah.

“What? Are you bullying Kaylah? Fortunately, I was worried and rushed over. I didn’t expect that you people

still haven’t changed. You actually want to bully girls?”

Chad said with a serious face.

“It’s not what you see, Mr. Galvan.”

Aryan sneered, “No? I already saw it, and you still want to deny it? Besides, Kaylah has agreed with your

cooperation. What? Don’t you want this cooperation?”

“Kaylah, can’t you just do a little bit more? Although you have given the Lowery Group this order, the Lowery Group was suppressed by your brother Zion recently. All the projects of the Lowery Group have been taken. All of the funds have been frozen. The Lowery Group doesn’t have much money now, and the company’s

projects are all gone in an instant, so it will not be able to survive for very long.

“The Lowery Group is the result of Mr. Lowery’s painstaking efforts. He is a workaholic. Almost all his

is on work. If the Lowery Group is bankrupt, Mr. Lowery

Chad admitted that he

Group die.

used Hendry to ask her, but he could not watch the

thought of this, he couldn’t help but clench

be selfish this

“What is the relationship between the Lowery Group and Kaylah?” When you didn’t know that Kaylah was Leila and didn’t know that Kaylah was


them and laughed. She

very tired. I don’t want to waste

“Okay, let’s go.”

over and drove Kaylah

car and couldn’t help

treats her like a princess. If an adopted

how much will the real daughter of the Delgado

at Rayan, completely uninterested

felt that what he did just now was a bit despicable, but there

of us will come to find her. It is our

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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