She Returns As A Billionairess

She Returns As A Billionairess By Fiona Jaramillo Chapter 470

Chapter 470 Don’t Listen to the Doctor’s Advice

At this time, someone from the company called. Did something happen to the company again?

Chad picked up the phone with anxiety.


Gradually, his expression softened, and then he was surprised.

Rayan stared at Chad as soon as he came back from outside. He was surprised to see that Chad’s face was constantly changing like a palette.

Hendry looked at Chad, who was excited after hanging up the phone.

“Mr. Lowery, we have a way out!”

“What happened? Did you win the lottery?”

Chad glared at Rayan. It was rare for Chad to be so unsettled. Even Hendry was affected by his emotions.

“What happened? Tell me.”

“Mr. Lowery, someone from the company just called. He said that Mr. Friedman agreed to negotiate with us

on cooperative projects.”


hung up, the surprise on his face

and the atmosphere in the ward was quite

Rayan both

Chad’s expression was uncertain.

just called to inform us that


you look unhappy?” Rayan clapped

next second,

cooperate with them, it would be fine. But now,

them at the same time. Something must have

immediately pulled out the infusion

shocked and quickly called out

“Mr. Lowery!”


The nurse was about to come in when she

gaze. “I have already told you that the patient needs to

with the nurse. He just

The nurse felt wronged.

glare at me? What’s wrong? Can’t I scold you since you did something

of wind. When

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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