She Returns As A Billionairess

She Returns As A Billionairess By Fiona Jaramillo Chapter 543

Chapter 543 A Lesson

He knew that Roger and Kaylah had been good friends since her childhood. Roger would definitely think of a way to teach Emma a lesson.


Emma was ready to go back home from a bar at night. When she passed by a corner,

she was taken away. She was beaten black and blue. She was photographed with a

male ****around a bar. For the sake of her reputation, she said nothing. However,

she was beaten several days in a row. She dared not go to the bar anymore. Then she

ran abroad.

When Kaylah heard this, she could not help but laugh. She held Roger’s arm and acted

like a spoiled child.

“Roger, don’t like a person like her to waste your energy. She is nothing to me. Besides, I

defeated her in that quarrel.”

“Getting beaten up is what she deserved. She was afraid

be exposed, so she didn’t dare to say

hobbies from Roger and couldn’t help but

impressed me.

playful look. Aryan said with embarrassment,

just drank with her

Kaylah kept laughing.

nothing but let her laugh at

to a few fashion shows, Kaylah

those tickets. Kaylah could also get the tickets, but she didn’t want to do

thought, well, being laughed at is not a big

don’t like those coquettish girls like Gianna. They just bore


that, he lowered his head

many times, Aryan became braver and

he would confess his

speak, Zion kicked Aryan and looked

didn’t want Kaylah

started because of you. Didn’t I tell you to

there an Emma?”

he confessed to Kaylah, these women

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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