Chapter 551 Grudges Are Over

Hendry got rejected, and he frowned. However, Hendry thought it was inappropriate to rush out of the company. He hesitated for a while and decided to sit on the sofa to wait.

Natalee noticed that Hendry was still waiting in the hall and ignored everyone’s gazes. Natalee began to imagine how sweet Kaylah and Hendry were.

Natalee couldn’t help imagining Kaylah and Hendry being together.

Natalee thought, Mr. Lowery is so proud. Now, he is waiting for Ms. Delgado patiently in the company. I’m their big fan and I want them to be together forever. I need to help Mr. Lowery.

Thinking of this, Natalee called Tyree again. The relationship between Natalee and Tyree was good.

“Don’t report it to Mr. Galvan; just report it to Ms. Delgado. Maybe Ms. Delgado is too embarrassed to refuse Mr. Lowery in front of Mr. Galvan. After all, Ms. Delgado is also being pursued by Mr. Galvan now.”

Tyree agreed to help Natalee because Natalee said she. would buy a luxurious bag

a while, but she heard someone knocking on the door. Kaylah looked. up lazily and saw Tyree standing outside the door again.

“What’s wrong?”

he won’t leave. There are many people coming

up immediately.

Now he is staying in the lobby and doesn’t want to

When Kaylah got out of the elevator, she saw Hendry sitting on the sofa in the lobby. Kaylah went over to Hendry hurriedly. Hendry heard the sound of footsteps. He was stunned.


walked to Hendry immediately. She grabbed Hendry’s arm and went out

him out of the door. He

Natalee couldn’t help taking some pictures of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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