Since She Met Lucian

Chapter 1 Dealing With Adultery

"Today is a good day. We can get what we want. Our hearts open up and we love each other... "

"Ding Dong, Ding Dong..."

A happy song played on Amelia's iPod that reflected her exact state of mind. Just then, the doorbell rang. Amelia Mo turned around towards the door with a complacent smile. She was so excited that her heart was beating against her chest. Amelia Mo thought it was her love on the other side of the door. Who else could it be? He had come here to celebrate her 25th birthday.

It must be her boyfriend, Jasper Gu. Amelia's heart welled up with joy as she thought that Jasper had come back home early to make her feel special on her birthday. Amelia Mo pulled the new shirt she was wearing to make it prim and proper before she rushed to answer the door. Her face broke into a hearty smile, her cheeks adorned by the two sweet dimples. She unlocked the door and swung it open. Her happy face turned into a disappointed expression to find the person who was standing outside the door. Her beautiful smile gave away to a disgruntled frown as she asked, "What makes you come here?"

"I have come here to give you the wedding invitation in person," Yolanda Mo said in a cold tone. She looked at Amelia Mo through the corner of her skillfully made-up eyes and false eyelashes.

"There was no need for it because I won't come to the wedding," Amelia Mo reverted with equal indifference and coldness which matched that of Yolanda's way. After saying that, Amelia was about to close the door on Yolanda's face.

Just as Amelia was about to close the door, Yolanda Mo leaned against the door and forcefully popped the red wedding invitation card inside the room through the crack of the door. Amelia was left aghast at this intruding gesture while Yolanda sported a triumphant smile and said, "Amelia, please be there. It's time for you to face reality."

"What's wrong with you?" Amelia Mo remarked as she found Yolanda Mo turn around and rush out of her sight. If Yolanda Mo didn't run as fast as she could, Amelia Mo would definitely have had a big fight with her.

Amelia was least bothered about Yolanda's marriage.

"For a fickle-minded girl like Yolanda who changed her boyfriend faster than changing her clothes, the very idea of getting married sounded like a joke. How ridiculous!"

Amelia casually threw the marriage invitation card away. Then her eyes fell upon the big bunch of lilies that were gracing the tabletop. Immediately, the sparkle in Amelia's eyes returned and her face broke into a smile once again. Jasper's words reverberated in her mind to make her smile again and again. He said Amelia was just as pure and beautiful as a lily, so he bought a big bunch of lily flowers for her birthday. Nothing could be more romantic than this for Amelia. She held the lilies closed to her bosom and caressed them fondly as she could feel Jasper's touch in them.

An hour passed, but Jasper still didn't show up. With every passing moment, Amelia was growing more and more impatient. Then came a time when she couldn't wait any longer. She picked up her phone and dialed the number she had memorized.

The call got connected, but no one answered it. That was surprising for her. Amelia Mo felt like a century had passed. She waited with bated breath to hear Jasper's voice from the other side.

"What is he doing? Why doesn't he answer my phone?" After a while and a few more attempts to contact Jasper, Amelia threw away her cell phone angrily. Accidentally, she caught a glimpse of the wedding invitation card on the table. Feeling bored, she looked through it.

At first, Amelia just took a casual glance at it. Her eyes moved through the design and color of the card in a very nonchalant and unwilling manner. For sure, she had nothing to do with the details mentioned in the card.

Amelia was least interested in the content or text part of it. However, one thing that caught her eyes was the photo of the bridegroom-to-be that was beautifully framed with that of the bride-to-be on the left side of the invitation card.

Amelia stared at the card in disbelief. Gazing at the happy and smiling faces of the soon-to-be wedded couple, she could feel her heart sinking.

Amelia held the wedding invitation card tightly in her hand, squeezed her eyes shut for one and opened it to see it clearly.

Then she moved her eyes to read the invitation message to reconfirm the information. Yes, it was the same invitation card that Yolanda had given to Amelia this morning to invite her to Yolanda's wedding. But what was unnerving for Amelia was that the groom's name as it was mentioned in the card and also the photo was that of Amelia's boyfriend, Jasper Gu's.

felt as if she was in a trance. It was her 25th birthday. She was just waiting for Jasper Gu to spend a beautiful day

that now he was getting married to Yolanda Mo? Amelia held the wedding invitation card as her eyes became blurred and her heart throbbed painfully. Suddenly, Amelia straightened her spine and took

but he didn't answer. Frustrated, she kept calling repeatedly until a sweet voice said, "Sorry, the number you are

around and saw the bunch of beautiful lilies on the table.

was, she must see it with her own

control herself as she paced ahead to the bus stop. The sharp nip in the air

cheerfully, "Dear". However, her enthusiastic voice was met with a laugh coming from the other side of the phone. "You don't

Courtney," Amelia could not help feeling disappointed as she

Lin asked concernedly as she could feel the pain in Amelia's voice.

By the time Amelia finished saying this, she almost reached her destination. After hanging up the phone, she rushed out

the west suburb of A City. Amelia often came here to clean up his house, so the bodyguard recognized her the moment he saw her. However, unlike earlier, he did not greet her with a smile. Rather, he had an awkward look on his face as he approached her and asked Amelia why she came here today. Amelia was not in the mood to

big and luxurious bed. The man lying under her was roaring. The

deep breath and told herself to calm down. Amelia had to find out the truth so that she would not fall prey to Yolanda's bully once again. Otherwise, she


What the hell is going on

me to come here? I promise you will love me forever!" Jasper rasped as he said in a suppressed voice, but with a strong sense of tease, which could be heard clearly. Amelia's pink cheeks

let out a coquettish smile, followed by a resounding

was none other than Jasper inside that room. Amelia stood there feeling indecisive about what to do next. In the meantime, a string of delicate gasps kept coming from inside the room that would make people blush and raise their heartbeat. By this time, Amelia started shaking with anger. She could

who was having fun, screamed at the very first sight of Amelia entering the room, immediately followed by

of doubts. She did not believe what she saw in the invitation card. All this while, she believed that it was yet another harsh trick played by

Especially, for Jasper - he was so shocked that his eyeballs almost fell to the ground at the sight of Amelia. Because they had just been in a passionate act, their clothes were

as he got off the bed naked. She dared not to open her mouth, lest she regretted the words she uttered later on. Her eyes were filled with anger.

on his clothes, Jasper walked to Amelia with a frightened face. He

thought he would be sorry for his adulterous behavior. Instead, he asked

was left aghast. Then she raised her head to look straight into his eyes and asked angrily,

had curled up on the bed. With fear written all over his face, Jasper cleared his throat once, and said, "Amelia, now, since you've seen it, I'll tell you the truth. I've been with her for a long time. I didn't

landed on Jasper's face. Somehow, Amelia dared to

"Jasper, I've been with you for so many

Surprisingly, from his attitude, it seemed that he had never been in love with Amelia. Not knowing why, the man in front of her

Jasper had been in a committed relationship for the last five years. The man Amelia had cherished the most had betrayed her

are an uneducated illegitimate daughter!" Yolanda, who had been curling up on the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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