The sun had begun to set, spreading red with orange hue across the horizon. Epsilon looked back at Zaden and he walked into the middle of the ring, in a very calm manner. He is waiting for the opponent to attack, something that he learned from the silver wolf. Epsilon stood there for a minute studying Zaden but he gave nothing to him. Finally, Epsilon lurched on to Zaden. He dodged his first punch, followed by the next few. Finally, he caught Epsilon's fist and twisted his hands back. Selena is watching every single move they make. Epsilon threw his head back with full force, hitting Zaden in his nose and Zaden let loose of Epsilon's twisted hand. His eye went blurry for a second, providing a window for Epsilon as he began his ruthless assault. Hits after hits fell on Zaden, earning gasp from Selena as her breathing seized and her feet began to tremble. Zaden pushed himself up and threw a side kick which landed directly on Epsilon's face, breaking his nose as it started bleeding immediately. He then grabbed his hand, twist it, and snapped on Zaden's shoulder, effectively fracturing his elbow. A groan erupted from Epsilon. Most of his pack member remained calm except for a specific type of werewolves. They looked not well groomed, teethes with black cavities and eyes that are sullen and now red. Selena focused on these wolfs and she got a mind voice
‘Any minute now. We will finish him the second king gives his order, even if he wins’
Selena's heart fell to her stomach. She turned to Ozrain
“Papa, they are going to kill Zaden even if Epsilon wins” she said worriedly to him
“What?” Ozrain shocked and she nodded.
“We need more people if that happens. Let me get Maximus” he tried to mind-link Maximus. The fight is getting fierce with Zaden making more damage. Ozrain focused to mind-link Maximus but he failed, again and again
“I can't reach him” he finally said which confused them all. Exactly at that moment, Epsilon shifted to his wolf and bite Zaden's feet. Zaden let out a soul wrecking scream. He fell to the ground, squirming in pain while the copper wolf in front of him didn't let go of his leg. A smirk bloomed on Epsilon's face. Selena and her packed waited with anxiousness, rising blood pressure by second
“Why isn't he shifting?” Selena exclaimed to Orion. Orion stood there dumbfound with wide eye. All the memories of Zaden's orders to bring Selena and Makeala away popped into his mind.
“Holy shit!!!Why isn't he shifting?” Selena is now screaming, grabbing Orion's sleeve in her fist. The next thing they know, all the weird werewolves from the background shifted to wolfs and jumped into the ring
“OH MY GOD!!! Papa do something!!!” Selena is trembling in between them. Epsilon let go of Zaden's feet and latched on his neck. Zaden grabbed his snout trying his best not to let Epsilon crush his neck. Selena and her pack ran towards the ring, all the while the pack tried to shift but failed to do so. They couldn't figure out why.
screaming at him, tears stream down her
wolfs” Ozrain
silver mass of fur, hit Epsilon's body on his left. He let go of Zaden's neck as a reflex and rolled away from them. It is Selena, she shifted and stood
himself to stand.
Selena's pack ran as fast as they can to the nearby
is still in pain. She licked his wound on the neck, before snuggling to his neck, cooing with love. She then straightened up, put one foot over his stomach and pressed gently, again and again. Within seconds, Zaden stomach flipped and he expelled all its content to the ground. He sat up, wiping his mouth. His eyes meet Selena's eyes as a drop of tear rolled down hers. He quickly wiped that tear drop, placing his forehead on hers. An exchange
Zaden shifted into his black wolf. Standing in front of Selena, a tad bigger than her and all other pack members had joined them. All 15
rogues” Sitka
doing here, in a pack?” Makeala
bring Selena away” Zaden ordered and Makeala took a
die, I die. We are here because of me and we
or we argue and die. Your choice” Zaden looked sharp at the bossy silver wolf. She stares back. Finally, giving up, Zaden pulled her ears as a small punishment and let go before taking attack stance. Selena shook her head to
crept up her heart. Her wolf is excited to fight. A brown wolf, and dirt fur coat launched towards Selena, she ducked down and the wolf flew above her and landed further from her. Zaden and the leader's pack seem to be merciless, killing each rogue within minutes of contact. More and more rogues
I need
hind leg and dragged it to Zaden while Zaden himself was holding another rogue in his mouth. Ozrain took over Epsilon who is now darn
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!