"I'm sorry” Patrick had thousands of words prepared in his heart, but he could not say them all.

Patrick knew the weight of those three words.

Once he said them, there was no way out.

However, he knew that she needed to vent, and she needed to find a reason to vent her feelings.

It was not difficult to calm her resentment and anger.

It was difficult to heal the wound in her heart.

For the first time in so many years, Patrick admitted that he had done something he was unsure of.

Whether it was success or failure, he had no way of knowing.

They were both silent for a while.

Sophia closed her eyes, and she suddenly felt exhausted.

Just like the belief that had supported her for so many years had suddenly collapsed.

She waited for so many years and did not expect that he would only give her this explanation.

What could an apology change? Could it change the last five years of her drifting from place to place and enduring many hardships at that time? Or was he doing it to clear his conscience? Sophia didn't know what he was thinking at the moment.

But why was love always so hurtful? Her body went soft all of a sudden, and she lost consciousness.

When Sophia woke up, it was nighttime already.

There was only the wall lamp on the side of the bed in the room, which emitted dim yellow light.

She looked around at the unfamiliar decorations in the room.

She was slightly startled for a few moments.

Everything in the room was orderly, symmetrical, and straightforward yet unexpectedly steady.

The spaces between the furniture and the layout reflected the serious and rigorous style of doing things.

The only person who could decorate like this was Patrick.

Was this his home? She pulled the blanket from her body and wanted to get out of bed only to find that the clothes on her body had been changed.

The original gray dress had been changed into a man's plaid shirt.

The shirt was very long, about the same length as her skirt.

But she was not wearing anything besides it.

She walked barefoot but heard a low male voice.

on the phone, and his voice

for so long, it's normal for her to have her own life," Patrick said on the

to ask something again, and he did not answer

of silence, he still said, "Even if she gave birth to another

Patrick continued.

more, and from his breathing, it could be seen

silent until the other party hung up the phone.He seemed very upset and wanted to turn back to

retreated and tried to avoid

"Where are my clothes?"

clothes were wet with sweat, and I was worried that you would catch a cold if you continued

the reason for her change of

she continued to

fever has finally subsided.After sleeping for a day, you must be hungry, right? What do you want to

big quarrel was a

in their hearts, but neither of them wanted to open

would be in so much pain that they would be

scars in their hearts that would

didn't want to hate or complain anymore when he was tired.He just

head and asked him,

it, and his smile

could say some hooligan things without offending people.It was the

could resist

floor-to-ceiling window, and she trembled

a cough and covered it

we doing?"

The definition was becoming unclear, as well as the

even she did not know when it had unknowingly evolved into this.Patrick

to eat?" He

Sophia shook her head.

want to

felt exhausted.She wanted to forget her worries

long coat from the

refused, but he

shirt.It is cold at

said this, his expression was very natural.But he had different feelings when he was in

a naughty

her well,

arrived at her apartment building, Sophia did not utter a word.She just got off the car and went to the building entrance.She wrapped her clothes tightly, but she

also felt

day, she also caught a

even funnier was that she had

work, but she saw the shirt and the long coat on the rack by

They were wrinkled.

thought she ought to wash them first

General Manager Office, Jenelyn saw Sophia and

you feel about being trapped in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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