Skeletons Of The Marital Closet

Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 419

Chapter 419

Shawn watched quietly.

This was how she was before he appeared in Gale’s life.

Soft and innocent.

Gale had not looked back until she got in the car.

She dared not to think about it.

Shawn was so determined that he did not want to divorce. It seemed that her plan to escape him was the right plan!

She still had a lot to do before she left.

On the way, Peter asked, “Gale, there is no one now. Can

you tell me honestly what happened to your marriage with Shawn? What did your mother… go through?”


Peter sighed and said, “Say it, Gale, don’t hide it from me. I don’t want to be a fool. I want to know about you two.”

Knowing her father’s character, he will pursue the truth

to the end.

but to tell Peter everything

in the past

was sobbing after listening to

“Dad, actually… It’s not as miserable and difficult as you imagined. Look,

not the bad, so you must have hidden a lot of bitter things. I’m so miserable, Gale. The child in your belly must belong


the reason


he doesn’t know about my pregnancy. You

to kill

matter who the father of the child is. What matters is that

tears. “I understand

don’t care who the child’s father is. Anyway,


if you think

Shawn refuses to divorce,

The Wood family is powerful, and we are no match for him at

replied, “There will be a solution. Go to the

home to visit Mom.”

did not wake

seldom woke up

the time.

of the window quietly, unable to move

a vegetable, at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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