Skeletons Of The Marital Closet

Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 421

Chapter 421

Shawn glanced at him deeply and coldly.

Joe coughed. “There is basically a deadlock between you and Gale. It is impossible for you to untangle it…you can only resolve it.”

“Resolve? How?”

“If you kneel on needles or something, buy the most

expensive gift in Sea City or admit your mistakes and apologize, and use loving words to warm her and soften

her… To sum it up in one sentence, you must be


Joe became more and more excited as he spoke. “You

must warm her when she’s cold. You cook for her when

she’s hungry. You serve her tea and water when she’s thirsty and tired and massage her shoulders and legs. A woman cares about such small details.”

“The last thing is to throw money, a lot of it. Anyway, the most important thing you lack is not money. You need love, right!”

After hearing this, Shawn pointed to the door.

Joe glanced back. “What’s the matter? No one is at the


“Get out.”

Joe was speechless.

resentfully. “I really

make me say

right, all right, I’ll go right away. Don’t ask me for advice next time!” Joe said.

his phone and

‘Recipes for home


aback and smiled helplessly,

really stupid now, like a stunned young boy who had

Group, which was in charge of the

invitation letter lay quietly

until late at night, Shawn returned to

on the sofa. His face

was much grayer.


“Shawn, you are back.”


and asked hoarsely, “Is


together,” Shawn replied.

where is Dr. Warm? Can

“Grandpa, what do you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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