Skeletons Of The Marital Closet

Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 499

Chapter 499

Natalie said, “I’ve seen the pictures. But that was when I was young. A long time has passed, and I can’t really remember.”

Natalie did not want to mention that anymore and changed the topic. “Mrs. Wood, you’re an important person. You shouldn’t get too close to Aurum. Otherwise, it

wouldn’t be good for you if Mr. Wood finds out.”

Gale smiled faintly. “Ms. Yarn, you must be really scared of losing Mr. Lefting.”

“I love him. Of course, I’d be worried about losing him!”

Gale shook her head. “No, I feel like you’re more afraid of losing your status as the Yarn family’s heiress.”

Everything hidden in Natalie’s heart had been exposed by Gale.

It felt incredibly bad! Natalie was panicking!

How did Gale figure it out?!

Gale softly said, “Honestly, what’s yours will be yours. No one can take it away. What doesn’t belong to you will leave no matter how tightly you hold on to it. You must not have slept well these years.”

“Stop talking about it!” Natalie bit her lower lip. “Whether or not I’m sleeping well has nothing to do with you!”

“You should just live your life peacefully. If the real heiress really comes back some way, the Yarn family wouldn’t just toss you aside either…”

a lecture. I just wanted to tell you that there are boundaries between men and women. I still have other things I have to do. I’m

“Take care.”

out, Natalie thought about it and

that girl from so many years ago. The one who’s been taking care of

say anything, merely watching

truth, she wanted to ask how Aurum would have ever dated a girl from an orphanage and

Chapter dow

incredibly bad mood, and she did

oil to the fire.

became quiet. Gale was a little tired at this

many naps

her eyes and

be herself at all. The


Natalie smiled. “What a

and felt like she was familiar, but he could not remember

someone of his status

she was a famous social butterfly in

introduced herself. “Mr. Wood, I’m Aurum’s fiance, Natalie Yarn.

Shawn finally recalled it.

the Heart of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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