Skeletons Of The Marital Closet

Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 504

Chapter 504

Aurum’s plan has been perfected to the last step; everything was in place, and they just needed a push of luck.

Aurum had done what he should, and the rest was up to Gale.

“Forget it?” Shawn naturally believed it. “Gale, can you really forget it?”

“Otherwise? I am surrounded by your people everywhere, and you even arranged for Pearton to monitor me 24 hours a day, I can’t escape your clutches at all.” As she spoke, she laid back on the hospital bed again, becoming lazy and ignoring him.

Gale felt it was a waste of saliva and time, so she was a little sullen.

However, that was what men do.

The more you ignored him, the more he would lean in.

He knew Gale was angry, but her sullen look made his heart soften.

“I’ll give you whatever you want.” Shawn’s big hand landed on top of her head. “Also, will arrange for my father–in–law to return to work in the hospital and return to his previous post.”

“Oh,” Gale said, still looking listless.

redecorated the master bedroom,” Shawn

“No need.”

you live in is too bad,

lowered her head. “I think it’s pretty

air is not good,

Gale was startled.

and the air quality would directly affect the development of

that she was a little shaken. “Your body needs to be taken care

house. It will be next to Dad’s hospital,

to and

suitable to live next

move back to

home, she did not have to see Shawn 24 hours a day, and she would

a few seconds. “Then, I’ll buy

face. “No,

rudeness, he did

and said, “I’ll ask

“What key?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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