Skeletons Of The Marital Closet

Skeletons Of The Marital Closet By Wen Tang Tang Chapter 569

Chapter 569

The good, the bad, the happy, the painful, the angry… It ended with the image of Gale’s deep leap.

She jumped down, taking his baby with her.


When he came back to his senses, it was already dawn.

His hair had turned white when he looked in the mirror.

After Peter came to his senses, he asked, “Shawn, do you miss her that much?”

“Uncle, I am willing to sacrifice my life for her and the child to live.”

Peter almost forgot to act surprised. “The child?! She’s pregnant?”

Peter actually knew about this and acted on purpose.

Gale kept it a secret, how could Shawn know?

Who let it spill?

eyes deeply, his face ashen ashes. “Yes.

a few strands hanging down on his forehead,

dumbfounded, rubbing his eyes and blinking vigorously, wondering if

was his hair all

Shawn had no

news spread

jumped into the sea and died, Mr.

His hair was all

the mourning hall. I’ve seen it

to be loved by a man


everyone, he was a good man who loved his wife as

Shawn ignored the rumors.

get out of the grief of losing his beloved wife and son in this

was the one who jumped off in exchange

he still

looking at the blue sky, smelling the fragrance of

longer feel the warmth of this

on, another layer of mystery shrouded

his silver hair, would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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