Slumdog Billionaire Husband

Slumdog Billionaire Husband By Rayden Berg Chapter 73

Chapter 73 News From Watchman No. 2

Looking at the lady’s expression, Erik curled his lips and said, “Master, I saw that battle with my own eyes. You were

besieged by so many masters, and he was the main target. The pressure he suffered was much greater than yours. If I were not strong back then, I’m afraid I would not be able to save you. Although you said that he was very fierce, the chance of him escaping is very slim.”

As soon as Erik finished speaking, the lady suddenly raised her

head and looked at him.

“I was joking. You like him?” Erik quickly said.

The lady sneered, “It has nothing to do with you.’

“I really don’t want to go to work,” Erik said with a sad face, “When you return to Night Watch, you will be super rich. I

don’t want to work hard.”

“I will go back when I find him,” the lady said in a cold tone.

Erik muttered, “But when will we find him? If he dies, I will

have to work hard to support you for a lifetime. That’s


The lady sighed and carefully hid the photo close to her. She

glanced at Erik and said, “Go to sleep now. You will still have to

operate at night. Remember to keep a low profile.”

“I know. If I didn’t keep a low profile, I would have beaten that warehouse owner. Damn it, how dare he boss me around? I’m the fifth greatest killer in the underground! It pissed me off!”

Erik cursed.

The lady ignored him and picked up the two knives on the

coffee table.

Erik quickly said, “Master, when are you going to give me two

knives like these? It’s so awesome to carry them on my back

and show them to the crowd. All I am using now are daggers

that you got from Blood Lotus!”

“Don’t let me repeat it again. Watchmen are low-key. We are not carrying such knives to show off.” The lady frowned and said, “When we go back, you can do that at Night Watch.”

After that, she returned to her room and closed the door.

Gerald played games in the internet café for the whole

afternoon. When it was almost four o’clock, Jessica called him.

Gerald picked up the phone and said, “Hello?”

“Hello.” On the other side of the line, Jessica sounded a bit

awkward. “Gerald, I’m sorry. We planned to have dinner

tonight, but I left Sacramento for a while. I have so many

things to do that I’m afraid I can’t spare some time tonight.”

Gerald was stunned for a moment. He had made an

appointment with Jessica and her mother three times, but they always stood him up.

However, he didn’t care. Gerald smiled and said, “It doesn’t

time. Let’s meet again after

am very sorry. If you need my help in Sacramento,

time, Gerald heard

the phone.

and said, “OK, if there is anything

call me. Just go busy

politely apologized again and

did not think much of it and


Internet cafe and looked up at the dark night sky. He murmured, “I

in a long

he spoke, he walked toward a

was not difficult to find Kyrie’s residence. Before

here, he had already

of a company in the Kenneth family, he couldn’t afford

in a high-end residential


avoided all the cameras and arrived at the door

Kyrie’s house.

with a frown, “No


confused him.

that I will have to come here again

sighed and

the riverside

walking for a while, he

the beach and narrowed his eyes slightly.

shocked and hurried to

saw a large

a corpse was on the


changed. He was considering whether

the moment he got close, Gerald noticed

the back of the man’s hand. He took out his phone and turned on

Assassin is dead?

his head, and his eyes suddenly flashed with joy.

was Gerald’s

Night Watch. Gerald trusted her the

that she might still be alive, Gerald was very happy. But now he was sure that Watchman No. 2 was indeed

joy was beyond

sighed with relief, took out his


voice came over and

found Watchman No. 2,” Gerald

hint of excitement

“Really? Where is she

see her, but I saw the

killed by Watchman No. 2,” Gerald said in one

last time. Although the killing technique is very similar to

you sure that it’s her this time?” Valery asked

seriously, “I’ll send you the location. Send the people from Sacramento to come over and deal

have to

and said, “I know. I still

by side with her!”

breath. He looked at the river and said with a slight smile, “It’s good that

alive. You don’t want to go back because you want to seek revenge.

be endless tasks.”



feet away from him by

and smiled sinisterly.

“Heh, I told you that you couldn’t

a hard lesson by me in bed sooner

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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