Slumdog Billionaire Husband

Slumdog Billionaire Husband By Rayden Berg Chapter 441

Chapter 441 Negotiation

“Ms. Shaffer? What Ms. Shaffer?” Gerald asked with a frown.

“Aren’t you curious about the purple lotus? Ms. Shaffer is in the Blood Lotus, and she is in the purple level. She is also a member of the first generation of the Blood Lotus, but she hasn’t appeared in this identity for many years,” Red Rose said. “Ms. Shaffer is a good person. When you see her, don’t hit her. She just wants to chat with you.”

“What is there to talk about with me?” Gerald frowned.

“I don’t know what Ms. Shaffer thinks either,” Red Rose said. “Anyway, I trust her. Just call me directly when you arrive.”

Gerald nodded. “Okay, I’ll be right there!”

Red Rose licked her lips and made a charming gesture. “Then I’ll wait for you!”

“Shit!” Gerald quickly hung up the phone!

Then she felt that her body was a little hot, and quickly ran to the bathroom to wash her face with cold water. Then she gradually calmed down!

He packed up, changed his clothes, and walked out of the room. At this time, a group of people came

back from a walk.

“Mom, dad, grandma…” Gerald said, “I’m afraid I have to leave now.”

“Ah!” Everyone looked at them doubtfully. “Why are you so hurry?”

Jolie was also slightly stunned. She subconsciously thought that the people on the uninhabited island were in danger, so Gerald had to rush over as soon as possible.

She looked at Gerald in confusion.

Gerald smiled bitterly, “Didn’t I go to find Jolie in the past two months? Then I didn’t manage anything in the company. The Washington branch is in a mess. So Mr. Hanson told me to hurry over and start working tomorrow! This damn capitalist only knows how to exploit us.”

Anyway, Leandro took the blame.

Hearing Gerald’s words, Mason hurriedly said, “Gerald, how can you say ill of Mr. Hanson? Mr. Hanson has helped our family so much! Then go ahead and be careful. Tell us in advance next time you come back.”

Beside him, Yazmin also nodded and said, “Right, Gerald, the next time you come back, remember to bring Audrey back. I haven’t seen her for a long time, and I miss her a lot. You should contact her more. It is not easy to find such a good girl!”

of sweat appeared on Gerald’s head, while Jolie smiled beside

and said, “Okay, then I have to go. I

will drive

was surprised and

in the car. Jolie drove Gerald to

“No, they are quite safe. I have to deal with my personal affairs. I have to go to Atlanta.

“Yes!” Jolie nodded!

only first–class seats

Gerald did not care.

car at the entrance. She did not leave immediately. Instead, she got out of the car and walked to Gerald. She

Dr. Manning and the others to

it. Go back and be careful. Call me if you need

go of Gerald and Gerald ran into the

Gerald headed to Atlanta, something happened on the uninhabited island near

set up

slept on the island.

the fifth deck of the small cruise ship, Valery and her companions were sitting there looking at the

phone rang. She quickly picked up the phone and

“The United Army has urgently recruited three thousand Watchmen. They are now riding three warships toward you, but they


moment, a sound rang out. Valery looked out of the deck and saw a

late. They have arrived!” Valery

Night Watch, and they’re all hiding things from me!”


done something?”

is going well in Exploro. Now I don’t know

made a move now is

I understand that? Leonardo is

was lost for

here. I didn’t expect him to be the leader!” Valery wore a smile. “I’ll hang up. If

The other side of the

top of the yacht, a man was wearing a Night Watch’s black uniform and carrying two sabers on his back whose haircut was very strange. Only a small cluster of hair was exposed on the top of his head, which was red as if it

European Night Watch now? Are you qualified to become the

was at the He was also one of the people who represented Europe in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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