Son-In-Law Madness

The Son-In-Law Shot To Fame Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Eat cake? What does that mean?

Sixten was confused at first, but he soon understood what Donald meant.

Donald went ahead and pressed his face down onto a piece of cake.

Everybody was stunned, and they froze as they watched the whole thing happen.

Sixten’s entire face was covered in cream when he got back up. It was an ugly sight. He quickly wiped the cream off carelessly and shouted in anger,““Donald!”

He could not believe how daring Donald was.

“Have some pineapple as well,” said Donald as he grabbed a whole pineapple from the table and smashed it on Sixten’s head.

With a loud bang, Sixten felt a pain coming from his head. He even felt dizzy as blood began to trickle down his head.

“So brutal!”

“How dare you? Hurry up and let go of Mr Campbell!”

“Catch him!”

hall turned

wiped his hand. “I’ll kill you if you refuse to


spine when he heard that. He was starting to feel

Donald was a

Jim, Sixten had no doubt that

and said. At the same time, he took the warm towel from the staff and wiped himself clean. He then shook his head at Octavio,

if Octavio were to strike since he was

no plans of getting involved

Thus, Octavio backed down.

his composure. “You’re here tonight to give

“Yes.” Donald nodded.

who’s supporting me? He’s the person who had caused a huge setback to your

Tyrone?” Donald

definitely report what you did today to Mr. Tyrone. No one will be able to

I believe that it would be catastrophic when he strikes. The Dragon Fide Villa is a prime example. No one dared to touch it even

fof it.


went on and on. Unaffected, he

at the sound of that. He felt the blood boil inside of him as he pointed at Donald. “You! You!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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