Christina went to work in the new company these days.

Because she had not been assigned to a position yet, she had no pressure at work for the time being.

As a freshman, her bright face was full of smiles and vitality.

"Grandpa, this beauty app is so good that it can turn a sow into a beauty."

"Be serious"

"I also heard that this beauty app can make old people look like the time they were young.I am really curious about this function.Grandpa, you have to sit still and look straight at the camera.Don't move..."

When something new happened outside, Christina would take the initiative to share it with Senior Mr.Hopkins when she got home.

Senior Mr.Hopkins didn't want to talk to her at first, but he was attracted by her enthusiasm.

Finally, the two of them gathered together to study these new things.

Because of Christina, the whole Hopkins family became relaxed and happy.

Even Patrick smiled a little more these days.

In the morning, Patrick was hugging his lovely wife on the big bed.

He looked at Christina's beautiful face and eyebrows, smiling.

Christina was a person who was always happy, and who could always bring happiness to the people around her.

People work hard to get money and live a decent life, but what humans really wanted was a simple, comfortable and happy life.

Patrick gently hugged Christina tightly.

She was the treasure he pursued so hard.

"Sons, your mother is going to make money"

Christina was so energetic as she would be assigned specific work today.

Before going to work, she did not forget to hug and kiss her twin babies.

Patrick drove her to the industrial park in the west of the city in a luxurious car as usual and dropped her off 100 meters in front of her new company.

Christina had complained about this before.

She felt that Patrick was reluctant to buy her an ordinary car as he said that it was not safe, but she did not dare to drive the car of the Hopkins family to work.

"You said that my company's legal person is Charles's eldest brother, but I heard from the old employees that the company's personnel was adjusted and half of the old employees were fired.There were new rules for operation management as well"

"It seems that a new senior manager has suddenly come to take over the management..."

Seeing that it was still early, Christina chatted with Patrick in the car about her work at the new company.

"The legal person is still Charles's big brother, and it's a normal personnel adjustment"

Patrick explained to her, "It's common to invite talents from the industry to adjust the management of the company if the company does not develop well"

He didn't care much about what partner Shepherd had found.

The purpose of the businessman was to make a profit.

Patrick continued, "Come back home if you don't like your work."

Christina then asked him sullenly, "Do you really want your wife to be fired?"

eyebrows and looked at her,

fire her

alone.I can

talk to him again, "Don't interfere in other people's company.Otherwise,

her walk into the

said that it

employees, including Christina and Crystal, had been bored watching the

to work, it was common for the employees to work overtime and have

all trembling and waiting for

boss would try to cow everyone into submission at the morning meeting, but they didn't

were enjoying their free time

they gathered in the tea room to eat snacks and

company seems

of the male

in multinational companies.They have to trot to keep up with the pace when they walk.It was so competitive.It was hard to imagine

three years of work experience also

even exempted the probation period


the other hand, thought that they would be fine as the company belonged to the

been idle in the company for

do, the senior leader did not agree to their proposals, so they had nothing to

year.Last week, half of them were fired.So far, only our 6 were recruited.The total number of employees on duty had shrunk by one-third, and there were only

felt that something was wrong with the company."The economy is not good, so it's normal to reduce the number of employees on duty...But yesterday, I found out that our company also asked to terminate the contract with

we still get our

at each other with some thoughts in their

must be short of

didn't quite

turned to the coffee machine at the counter and suddenly said, "That coffee machine was made


at the two new coffee machines on the counter in

purchased by the company and

How could a company buy such expensive coffee machines for its

course, Christina was

were several of these kinds of coffee

tasted orthodox.She did

on commission.Signing them was a no-capital business for the company, but the new boss seemed to think that there were too many of them.He directly terminated 80% of the online hosts, but the ones who were not

it's annoying.It's hard to find a job in such a bad environment.I don't know what I'm going to do in such

made up my mind that if I were not assigned any work today, I'll leave

left the tea room after some

Crystal sat leisurely and continued to eat the

don't think this company is short of

Crystal nodded in agreement.

was generous about money, so Shepherd will be kind

did Shepherd find as a

that the new boss emphasized

who he corporated with, they only wanted to work well in

instigating me

stories about the Stephenson family, "Geoffrey asked me about the number

Christina sighed.

to wear this



never liked to wear small accessories.She felt

Patrick did not require her to

in the afternoon, they finally

because she had previous accounting experience at IP&G,

hand, was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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