Spoil My Sweet Window

Spoil My Sweet Widow Novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Logan’s family was the royal lineage of Country S. As the descendant of a noble, he was in charge of the family’s affairs. He was also a big shot in his country. But in the face of Harold, he could only humble himself and thank the other. “I have always remembered your kindness, Master White. As for the reason, I don’t know, and I don’t dare to inquire…”

At that time, there were many competitors trying to get that lot, and most of them were nobles like Logan. However, Harold only valued his family.

Harold’s slender fingers knocked on the table again and again. Crystal was still eating crab meat. She was petite with a large appetite. Her eating etiquette wasn’t elegant, but she looked so cute. He put on a faint smile. “What I value is your sober mind. You’re a smart man.”

“To be honest, I hesitated when I received the news of your death, but I don’t think you are an ordinary person. You won’t die so easily.” Logan said.

His words were quite true. Harold preferred the people like Logan who wouldn’t just flatter him suspiciously.

Luke stood at the side. When he saw that both parties had almost finished speaking, he placed a document in front of Logan. Seeing it, Logan could hardly hide his surprise.

contract we’ve prepared. If you have no objection after reading it, you can

With that piece of land in Country S, his family would grow stronger day after day. If they cooperated with the White family, there would only be

the document. “Congratulations on becoming a partner of

big crab. She picked up the wet towel next to her to wipe her hands, but found that she couldn’t get rid of the oil on it, so she said to Harold next to her, “I

waiter will take you

up, following the waiter

she was washing her hands in front of the sink, a familiar face appeared behind her. “You are Crystal

saw that it was Claire. The woman was assessing her from

next to her, Crystal looked so petite. “Yes, what can I do


the Evans family had abandoned in the rural village. No wonder

the mirror. Dirty? “I’m not as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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