Spoil My Sweet Window

Spoil My Sweet Widow Novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102

When Harold arrived at Flower Land, Luke had also arrived. Dana greeted them with worried tears in her eyes. “I can’t find her anywhere…”

Harold ignored her and went straight to the back door. Luke followed behind. While he was taking out the spare key, he saw the boss kicking the door with a cold face. With a loud bang, the door was

kicked open!

Luke’s movements froze. Thinning his lips, he thought to himself that it had been years since he last saw Master White this angry.

The closer Harold got to the iron cage, the deeper he frowned.

If he really saw Crystal’s dead body…

It was really hard for him to find someone so interesting. He would regret a lot if she was gone.

he knew in his heart that there was probably a mess of

they could catch only the smell of fresh air and grass. There was no hint of blood or anything strange.

his head and looked into the depths of the cage where

seen. What’s more, this was a

She isn’t here.” Luke heaved a sigh of relief. “She

could finish his sentence, he heard Harold say, “Open

remembered that he hadn’t locked the cage before he

of the cage glanced at him and wagged his thick tail. He looked lazy,

here, they would definitely recognize that it was an adult snow tiger. The snow tiger was a further variation of the white tiger breed from Bangladesh, and its probability of appearance

had a pure white coat with only black stripes on its tail. Even when it was lying on the ground watching people, it still exuded a kind of superior

his eyes.

claws and flipped its body gently, revealing a small figure lying underneath. Crystal was curling up into a ball

Harold was speechless.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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