Chapter 321

Helen's panic now wholly differed from the one she had shown earlier.

Panic and nervousness were written all over her pretty face.

Lily curiously turned around and saw several men walking toward them.

The one in the lead was wearing rimless glasses and a tailor- made suit.

The men behind him were his assistants and bodyguards.

The man’s face was calm and exuded a gentleman’s demeanor.

Judging by his looks, he seemed to be of Asian descent.

"Mike, you’re here! Please listen to my explanation."

Although Helen was terrified, she still rushed over to Mike Cordon and tried to hug him with tears in her eyes.

beside him

at her and

don't know how this happened.We had a great time today, and he was happy, but I don’t know why he...I don’t know...I

cocked her eyebrows

But what couple acted this way toward each other?’

around and

no answer and acted like this was how it was supposed to

to meet Nick in private.It seems you've turned a deaf ear to my words," Mike said coldly, "If anything happens to Nick, I will


hearing those words.She turned to Helen and realized she had fallen to


Helen burst into tears.

was quivering on the

ruthless and

on the ground, cried for

seemed to remember something.She turned, looked at Lily, and pointed her perfectly manicured purple

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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