Spoiled by mr. russell chapter 2226 -The trio could not help but exchange looks, especially since Dr. Blanc sounded severe and produced two documents as evidence.

Although no one had discussed it for the past two days, they had concluded that Rhea could not have become invisible—she must have resorted to some other means.

To their utter disbelief, Dr. Blanc had proof of an invisibility potion.

The world would be in shambles if Rhea had invented such a thing. Many would try to get their hands on the potion, which would cause endless trouble.

“T-That’s impossible, right?” Mike stammered. “Can such a thing exist?”

“Although it sounds ridiculous, nothing is impossible. Thanks to science, our understanding of the world has kept evolving. Some medications can speed up cell division and growth, drugs that can manipulate a person’s mind.

another, leading to illness and death. Nothing is impossible, whether invisibility, growth acceleration, teleportation, or even time travel

least this is based on the results we’ve obtained using our

He shook his head as his

“What do

in something only because we haven’t seen it. If Rhea were still here, we could ask her about it,” Alexander continued, “If the invisibility potion is real, it could

Mike’s son. It’s going to be so easy.” He shrugged. “Unfortunately, we don’t have it. If Rhea has it, I would love to try


of his trans and

meals to her? Where did she hide the potion? How come we never

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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