“I don’t want your best. I want your guarantee that it will succeed,” Fred said as he stared at Rhea.

She took a deep breath and nodded firmly. “I promise it’ll be a success.”

Seeing Rhea’s confident look, Fred nodded. “Good. Keep up the spirit, okay?”

He then lowered his head and said to a mouthpiece, “Is everything ready?”

After receiving a reply, Fred nodded and looked up at Rhea and three other surgeons. “Please get ready and change into surgical gowns now.”

They went in deeper, and Rhea found a sterile room and an operating room, complete with all the surgical equipment necessary. Fred must have gone to great lengths to build this place in Hyderland in secret.

they put on their surgical caps and masks, Fred got changed and joined them too. As they were the only people

worry. The test subjects will be here

but Rhea didn’t see any problem with that. If she had any doubts before, Fred

what real dedication was. It wasn’t easy

inside and opened before them. As Rhea expected, one of them contained Lily. She was awake, sitting quietly with her hands tied up. She was

box opened, Rhea saw the queen of Yudonia for the first time and was impressed by her. Although the woman was old, she sat elegantly in her wheelchair, showing no signs


smiled. “Yes, my dear queen. It is.

happier than me, that’s for sure,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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