Starting with A Divorce

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 239

Chapter 239 Draw a Picture

The sun was shining on her, and her fluff was shining with golden light For this beauty of peace, Manuel really hoped this montent

could stay forever.

Suddenly, there was a cry from afar. Ainsley was brought back to earth and listened carefully. She looked at Manuel doubtfully. “Did you hear the cry?”

Manuel listened carefully. There really was a cry. He nodded immediately

Ainsley stood up, looked around, and finally saw a woman lying on the ground crying behind the tree.

Ainsley immediately walked over and said, “What’s wrong with you? Are you alright?”

When the woman heard Ainsley’s question, she said in a hoarse voice, “I’m having a baby. Help!”

Having a baby? Ainsley’s face turned pale. She is pregnant!

She looked down at the woman. Her pants were wet. The water had broken.

She rushed out to look for doctors and nurses.

Fortunately, the pregnant woman was sent to the emergency room in time.

She gasped and then remembered Manuel.

Fortunately, Manuel had already pushed himself back. She found Manuel was already in bed when she entered the ward

At night, Matteo mysteriously brought Ainsley into a room. The door was guarded by several men in black. After opening the room,

she saw a man tied to a chair.

“He is?” Ainsley looked at Matteo curiously

“He is from the black sedan.”

After his sister’s accident, Matteo sent people to thoroughly check the surveillance video of each road section. PineMist Island was originally not monitored, but after buying PineMist Island, he immediately installed two surveillance cameras. It was really thanks to these two surveillance cameras that they captured their faces. Although the car window covered their faces, Matteo specially asked the technicians to restore their lineaments. It took him a long time to find this person.

Ainsley stared at the person who was tied with cold eyes.

have been beaten by Matteo, but it seemed that he did not say anything. Matteo said coldly, “He is very stubborn. He

nodded. She looked at the man seriously

the room all went out. The man’s hands were unbound, but he was still tied to the chair. He looked at Ainsley expressionlessly as if he was looking at

doesn’t matter if you don’t say anything, but can you answer me a few questions? Just think it’s for

frowned and finally said, “You want

at herself and said. ‘I never said that I wanted to kill someone, but you seem to have done it. Since you are still nervous when mentioning your family, why do you

The ma

head and

you don’t

said the man. Ainsley asked coldly,

thought for a

Get Bodo

paper in front of him and pushed

Bard was a little

draw your home”

was holding the pen trembled. Draw my

face paled and he put the pen

‘It doesn’t matter. It’s fine if you don’t

the door “But they will go there with

He stayed on the paper for a long time but didn’t know how to

family members first,” Ainsley reminded

the paper, a woman, a man, and

a big tree, and a

why Ainsley asked him to do this, he seemed to have known that it

to Ainsley’s instructions, he drew a house, a road, and a

house and the people tenderly, but she gave the car a poisonous

a sister? Ainsley took the

in front of Bard and pointed at the car. “Tell me, who

was stunned and said, “I don’t

You know

watch in front of his eyes. This was hypnotism, a very common


The pocket watch was shaking slowly. Bard

came out of the room She had already gotten the answer she

of another room. He certainly heard

Ainsley sighed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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