Starting with A Divorce

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 269

Chapter 269 It’s Expensive

“An old man and a young girl? It’s funny.

“Ainsley must be crazy. I didn’t expect her to dance with a beggar.”

Irene answered, “Lower your voice. Those who can come to the party are not ordinary people. Don’t

talk nonsense.”

Manuel continued, “Look at his tattered clothes. He doesn’t look like a wealthy person to me.”

Under the spotlight, Manuel and Irene were dancing. Irene gently placed her hand on Manuel’s shoulder and looked at Manuel’s handsome face. But Manuel looked slightly absent–minded

because Manuel wasn’t looking at Irene…

Not far

away, Ainsley was dancing with an old man. Although the man had grey hair, he still had at tall and straight posture. Irene could imagine how handsome the old man was when he was young.

Suddenly, Irene felt something was wrong.

She turned to look at Manuel immediately. There was a faint smile on Manuel’s face. She thought

that the old man couldn’t be a beggar.

Who was the old man?

The melodious waltz music came from the orchestral instruments. It was the first time that Ainsley. saw that old man so serious. The old man kept looking down at her as if he wanted to look at another

soul through Ainsley’s body.

At that moment, the old man didn’t seem to be ridiculing the wine, and he didn’t look childish as

gap in time, Ainsley seemed to see

when he

was too young. I had never seen such a scene. I felt inferior and timid and didn’t dare to speak. She appeared in front of me and pulled me to dance. I always remember that

in love with

how to dance at that time. I kept stepping on her feet. Everyone in the venue was laughing at me. I just wanted to invite

“Then did you succeed?”

“No, she couldn’t dance

didn’t know what to ask.

wrong question.

Get Boys

young. Even the words you said when you were wine–tasting are very

become good friends with

now. She’s

old man’s originally straight back instantly

that the old man tried hard to straighten

different when he

me which wine you like

looked at the bottle of wine in the old man’s arms and licked her lips. “This one in


think about it. Do you know how much this bottle of

the bottle of wine in

one who asked me.” Lainey quickly grabbed

a bottle of wine. The old man

old. You can’t do that

an excuse to me,” Lainey said with

sip may be worth more than thousands

put down the bottle, and then he looked at the old man in plain

bottle in shock.

It can be worth hundreds of

blamed for her ignorance. Although the Salter family was rich, Jaydan would not spend more than 160 thousand dollars to buy a bottle of wine. Naturally, Lainey couldn’t buy a bottle of wine

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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