Starting with A Divorce

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 315

Chapter 315 Call the Police

“Nonsense!” Elmer’s parents panicked.

“You said if I didn’t agree, you would immediately tell everyone what Elmer had done to me. How could I refuse in that situation?” Agnes shouted.

Ainsley finally understood why Agnes would say in the school building that Elmer didn’t deserve to be a teacher. But despite what Agnes had suffered, it shouldn’t be the reason why she hurt others.

What Ainsley cared more about was whether Agnes was willing to expose Irene.

This had been a complete farce, especially when compared to what Agnes had said a few days ago.

What was most unexpected was that the victim at first had now become the culprit, while the culprit at first

was now the pitiful victim.

Ainsley was silent and did not know what to say at this moment. She could only watch as those people tried

to catch Agnes by getting past Elmer, who struggled to stop them.

Agnes held the child in her arms behind him and stood unsteadily. Seeing this, everyone seemed to have

forgotten what she had done and felt pity for her.

Hadley gave Elmer two hard slaps and scolded in dissatisfaction, “Can’t you wake up at this moment? How

could you still protect this * Don’t you know that a woman should follow her husband no matter who he

is? Since she married you, she has to be loyal to you. Even though you were wrong at the beginning, after

marriage, you’re so tolerant of her. Is it not enough? But she had another man’s child, and we raised the child

done enough to make

gossip, how could I have agreed to marry a*** You knew that Jeffrey and I were

see how it feels?”

Hadley, who had been angry, blushed in embarrassment and scolded, “How shameless! say such disgusting and dirty words here? There’re so many

inappropriate to deal with the thing in this place, several relatives wanted to take Agnes. away and stopped

phone and sent a

Raymond rushed over with several

parents and relatives. After that, Raymond glanced around. “Don’t you need to go to class? Can you all get high

people left in front of

who had come to help. After that, they went to his office

parents were very respectful to Raymond because he was their

to leave and then followed

a lot in the office. Raymond finally figured

mixed feelings.

what he meant and went out with her

Elmer’s parents said, Agnes remained silent. She smiled at Raymond

Elmer with


honest and nodded, “It’s all my fault. It has nothing

Ms. Bennett agrees, it’s better to call the police to

not allowed to work in our school, so

calmly said.

stunned to hear this.

son did not break the


said, “Madam, I think I should tell you that having sex with a

rape! Moreover, your son and Agnes were not married when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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