Starting with A Divorce

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 324

Chapter 324 Don’t Be a Baby

“How … How is she?” Manuel asked.

Serina cast a stern glance at Manuel and replied, “I thought you didn’t care about Ainsley at all. I didn’t expect

you to ask me how she was.”

“Serina, tell me.” Manuel frowned slightly.

Serina smiled sarcastically, “If you really want to know how Ainsley is, why don’t you ask her yourself? Don’t you remember that you got together with Irene and left Ainsley to **? But now, you came to ask me about

her. Brother, I don’t know if you love her or not.”

Serina stomped her feet angrily. “You! You are a**** With that, she closed the door angrily.

Manuel looked at that closed door with a wry smile. How could he not know why Serina was angry? Honestly,

he was extremely reluctant to make this choice.

All in all, considering how far he had come, Manuel did not have the right to regret it, let alone admit it in

front of Ainsley.

At every moment in the study room, Manuel wanted to take out his phone to call Matteo and ask him how Ainsley was doing. However, looking at the screen, Manuel hardly had the courage to dial his number.

Considering what he had said to Matteo before, now whether he dialed or not, he was like a joke.

Fortunately, Roman called, “Mr. Gage, when Ms. Easton was found, she was thrown at the gate of the University of Washington. A few minutes later, Matteo came over and took Ms. Easton to the hospital. She

should be in treatment now.”

Hearing this, Manuel felt a weight off his mind. He breathed a sigh of relief. “Keep me posted.”

“Mr. Gage, you

successfully held

considered this before he made his decision, but no matter what, he could not calm down and make the most correct decision when

try his best just to ensure

still want to give it a try,” Manuel said in a

“I understand.”

the Gage’s house, Jillian brought

doesn’t eat?” Manuel

whole day. I’m concerned about

try,” said Manuel as

soon as Manuel got to the door, he heard Serina’s

wouldn’t eat it!”

deep voice,

don’t have to pretend to care about me. Manuel, I

didn’t think that Manuel was pretending. On the contrary, she felt that her brother loved Ainsley very much, but she didn’t know what

be a baby,” Manuel

you cancel the engagement party right now? If we had known this would happen, you wouldn’t have told me from the beginning

was a done deal. Manuel

Koen had already discussed it. The cancellation of the engagement banquet was not something that could be easily done. It was a big deal between the Wade

Manuel sighed

about me!” Serina felt limp

over. She slept for a whole day


tiredly at the table at the head of the bed. The metal alarm clock rang

pointed at five.

the skin of her left hand. She looked up along the drip and saw that it was

in her throat, so she coughed a few

in the past two days. She had been kidnapped, soaked in the rain for several hours on

had not been solved. What exactly

of the heavy rain hitting the canopy was so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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