Starting with A Divorce

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 332

Chapter 332 Who Said I Was Dead?

Robert’s face was full of excitement, but he was worried and asked, “Did you see the body?”

“Mr. Blake, last night, I poked a few more holes in the leaking roof. Sure enough, that room. collapsed in the early morning. The thunder was too loud, and no one heard any other sound. She must be buried in the ruins now. It has been so long, so she must be dead,” Chad said confidently.

“Jason believed it too?” Robert was still worried.

“Jason? He didn’t know about this at all. But by the time he finds out, it will be too late.” Chad raised

his eyebrows.

Robert patted Chad’s shoulder and pointed at the scar on his face. “What’s with the wound on your


Chad did not intend to hide it. He wanted Robert to help him.

“Mr. Blake, I went to a casino a few days ago and lost some money. My wife refused to give me the money. She hid it very well, so I couldn’t find it. Yesterday, I couldn’t help but go to the casino again. Before I got close to the table, I was…,” he said dejectedly.

Robert smiled knowingly. He took out a paper bag from his desk and handed it to him. “You did a good job yesterday. This is your reward.”

Chad looked at the paper bag with satisfaction. After leaving Robert’s office, he impatiently. opened the paper bag. There were actually 800 dollars inside!

He immediately put the money into his pocket and clutched it tightly.

The money was enough for him to gamble at the casino and win all the money back!

Robert gathered all the workers, including Jason.

When he walked to the meeting hall, Jason did not know what Robert was going to say. More

importantly, he did not see Ainsley at work today.

“Everyone, listen to me. Ms. Easton, who was sent by the headquarters to help us solve the

problem, passed away due to the heavy rain last night. I feel deeply regretful about this. However,

how can those capitalists care about our lives? Even the people who were specially sent to solve

problem have not done anything for days,”

just said and walked forward. “Mr. Blake, what do you mean Ms. Easton has

no wonder that you


house Ms. Easton lived in was not firm, and it was hit by the rain for two days.

she didn’t survive!”

disbelief. Chad turned his head away with

things, but Jason did not listen. He was

After all,

I go and take a look?” Jason still did

tell me you don’t trust me. Is there a need for

trouble. You have worked here for so long, so you

our factory to

The headquarters should not send anyone over in a short period


was talking excitedly, a person walked in from

eyes of everyone, she

expression to use to deal with

should have died was now in the factory, and there was not a single wound


to the Morton’s

if I were really dead, I can guarantee

day. Mr. Blake, you probably don’t know that

this time. I decided to come here on

graceful smile as she continued, “Mr. Blake,

yet to see everyone in the factory. I wanted you to gather everyone

refused for various reasons. Today, everyone

pale. He looked at Chad who was hiding in the

glared at him.

did not expect this to happen. He did

why Mr. Blake who is responsible for reporting the failure has never submitted any report to the headquarters. Not only has he never reported it, but he even said to the employees in the factory that the headquarters has given

at Robert coldly. In fact, she gained something in the past few

Robert. The person should be cautious. She did not find any clues in the emails, but she finally understood Robert intended to stir between the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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