Starting with A Divorce

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 351

Chapter 351 There’s No Other Way

“Stop!” Robert raised his hand to stop her. “Ms. Easton, you can do whatever you want, but you can’t slander me. How could you say I ruined the company’s finances? I have been working in the factory for so many years. How could I do something like that? I know the person in this video. It’s Chad, right? He has always been a slacker in the factory, and I have long wanted to fire him. He has hated me for a long time, so it is reasonable that he wanted to frame me.”

“Do you mean that you didn’t know about this matter? It was Chad who framed you?” Jason said


Robert immediately nodded. “Yes! Jason, that’s right. Chad has a drug addiction and is a gambler. Moreover, he has other bad habits. He has been a **since a long time ago. Chad owed a lot of debts in the casino, so he wanted to play tricks to cheat money. See, Chad borrowed money from

me, but I refused. So, he hated me and framed me.

Ainsley laughed when she heard this. She looked at Robert mockingly and said, “Do you really think.

that others will believe your words? Don’t be *******.”

“Whether you believe it or not, you have no right to make me suspended. Ainsley, the one who

asked me to be the director was Mr. Leandro. Even now, Mr. Matteo has to respect me.”

Ainsley opened the email on the tablet and showed it to Robert. She said coldly, “I forgot to tell you. This suspension notice is not my decision. It is the headquarters. It is Mr. Matteo’s order.”

Robert looked at the email in disbelief. His hands were trembling as he held the tablet. “Why?”

“It involves public destruction. You certainly have to be suspended,” Ainsley said.

He still held the tablet and muttered to himself, “Absolutely impossible. Madam will not let me go.”

Ainsley immediately sensed something wrong. “Madam? Mr. Blake, who is it?”

Robert shook his head with a pale face and denied, “You heard wrong. I have never said the word

‘Madam’. I mean, why would Mr. Matteo want me to be suspended?”

“I have already informed you. Mr. Blake, Jason will temporarily take over the matters of the factory

from today on. You can handle the handover with him.”

Before Ainsley could finish, Robert shouted, “No! Wait for me for a few minutes. I have to confirm it


He immediately rushed out of Ainsley’s office, ran to his office, and dialed the number.

the call was picked up.

just a

can’t lose this job. My child is

a source of income, what about

even about to

calmly, “Just

can you

“But I…”

and go to hand

for the notification.” The voice on the other side became

could not

“Of course.”

a sigh of relief. Moreover, the so-called evidence was all biased. There

he was the

the phone, Robert packed up

In Seattle.

at the email that Jason had sent him. Jason had handed over

the timelines, reasons, and his

thought that his mother would do so many things

factory in

years ago, when

Easton Group. Several times, she had secretly. hinted for

fact, there was no need to do that at all. Ainsley didn’t mean to be a businessman.

moment he took

him the Easton

it was really

a big fight with Robyn and did not go home for

force him to do

Get Taunus

turned out that Robyn had never stopped doing this. She just did

Robyn indeed tried every

to Jason’s message, Matteo began to look at the design sketch of

sketch made by the Wade

previous one, as if they were going

Seattle remembered clearly what happened last time. At

Island, they would still

at the design sketch. Although it was the

were some adjustments.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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