Starting with A Divorce

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 373

Chapter 373 Being Detained

Irene wanted to know what she did wrong, resulting in the current situation.

Before Irene could think of a solution, the company encountered a tricky problem. Bailey

contacted her immediately.

“Ms. Wade, the goods at the dock have been detained. It has been detained for three days when I received the news. If we delay any longer, we will lose a big deal.” Bailey sounded very eager.

Irene had received a good education and was the successor of the Wade Group, so she naturally

would not panic.

Irene calmly asked, “Did you check the reason why the goods were detained?”

Bailey stammered, “I heard that it was because of your fiancé. Mr. Gage reported that batch of

goods in private.”

“How could that be!” Irene’s voice was loud, and her face was full of disbelief.

“Have you investigated clearly? If what you said is wrong, I will never forgive you easily and will sue you for slander.” Irene couldn’t keep cool, and her words carried the viciousness that she had never displayed in front of others.

Bailey paused for a few seconds before he remembered to answer. He said with a weak voice, “Then, I will go and confirm it with the staff at the dock.”

“OK.” Irene raised her hand to rub her eyebrows. She felt that her emotions had changed. Irene felt something was wrong. She was not in the mood to hide her emotions. Irene simply answered and

hung up.

The news that Manuel attacked the Wade Group warned Irene.

Irene also knew that in terms of individual capability, she was not Manuel’s match.

If Irene let the temporary crisis go without taking action, then it was very likely that it would

become an irreparable loophole.

Thinking of this, Irene picked up the car key and hurried back to the Wade’s old house.

Brady was watering the flowers in the garden when the servant came to report that Irene had returned. Brady’s first reaction was to say with a displeased expression, “Why are you running

around instead of going to the company to deal with work?”

have something urgent to discuss with you.” Before the servant could lead the way,

“How did I teach you? As the

no matter what

the ground with his cane and glared

now. It disappoints

her lips, not daring to refute

he slowly walked to the lounge


goods were detained and her

expression changed. He said, “You

and glared at her. “If Bailey did

unexpected situations, would you

she had made a mistake and that she


Irene lowered her head and did not

Brady could do now was to stabilize the relationship between Irene and Manuel. Brady knew that he must

targeting the Wade Group.

the issue. As an entrepreneur of the older generation, he

had his pride.

leave any

was confident that Manuel couldn’t

should I do?” Irene could not stand being ignored by Manuel. She would


Irene unhappily and said, “The Wade family has taught you

Can’t you even do

Brady lost his temper and

the house. After taking a few steps, he found that Irene was still in the

them went to

came out of the

closed the door gently, and her

had said

was probably a wrong decision, but she would rather bet on

than lose it helplessly.

a meeting when he received the

looked at the caller ID and

Manuel again. Instead,

called Manuel


cold. Irene was not tired of hearing it. Manuel asked,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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