Starting with A Divorce

Starting With A Divorce Chapter 379

Chapter 379 Interests

Irene had asked the secretary to keep the news that the goods were intercepted by the customs from others in the company. She didn’t expect that the board would know the news.

As soon as the meeting began, a middle-aged man named Collin Linnet sitting on the right side. asked seriously, “Ms. Wade, are you hiding something from us?”

Collin was the biggest shareholder on the board except for Irene and her grandfather. He was more influential than other members of the board.!

Therefore, Irene was very polite to Collin.

“Mr. Linnet, you’re our family friend. I won’t hide anything from you.” Irene pretended that she didn’t know what Collin meant. She thought that the board had just heard the rumor and didn’t get the evidence. Irene guessed right. Collin narrowed his eyes and looked calm. He then said, “Ms. Wade, let’s not beat around the bush. It’s about the interests of the shareholders. I think we’d better be open and -honest. I believe that you won’t lie to us, right?”

Irene stayed calm when hearing that. She was clear that Collin was threatening her. But she just nodded and said with a smile, “Mr. Linnet, please rest assured. Everything is fine in the company. I’ll tell the board if there are any problems.”

Collin smiled and said, “Good. Since you said so, I trust you.”

After the meeting, Irene watched them leave and gritted her teeth. “***********!”

The members of the board did nothing at all in the company. They turned all their fault-finding power on Irene even though Irene was working very hard.

However, Irene had to find ways to let the customs release the goods as soon as possible. Otherwise, the company would suffer great a loss. Irene knew she wouldn’t be able to make up for the loss.

Thinking of this, Irene picked up her bag and walked out of the room.

Irene knew she must see Manuel today, one way or another.

The customs officers intercepted the goods, but Irene was clear that Manuel asked them to do so.

the only one who could

she found that the relationship between the Gage Group and the Wade Group

was still worried that the Wade Group

corner. Many people would choose to go on a trip. Rich

first sent invitations to influential people in many cities.

they launched a big advertising

it was too late for the Wade

for customers, so the tour guide, maps, and

a result, the sales of the Easton Group were much higher than the Wade Group. The news even became a

man, so he couldn’t bear that his company was beaten by the

He was furious when

went to the company and held

from the company for many

powerful vibe


board attended the meeting just because of Brady. They looked at each other for a while. Then a

finished speaking, some managers

cup on the table and remained emotionless.

had been silent since the meeting


she meant and lowered their heads,

rules of business. The prices of all the resort projects on the islands are basically transparent. Except for our company and the Easton Group, many rich families have participated in the investment. If we reduce the price, we

speaking, she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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