Stay Around You Now And Forever

Chapter 282 What Exactly Is He Trying to Do

When Hunter walked into the ward, Emily was still asleep.

The doctor had examined her and cleaned her wounds. Now she was sedated with intravenous use of sedative drugs.

She would probably have to sleep at least until evening.

And now, it’s still not at dawn …

Hunter sat beside her bed and held her hand.

Her hand was so soft and delicate.

He was painful as he gently wrapped his hands around her. The scenes of last night came back to his mind.

Every time he thought of it, he was excruciated.

At that time, he was completely out of control, but he still had memories.

The girl was under him, from the fear to despair. Finally, she completely fainted.

Her injuries were even more severe than he had imagined.

At this moment, she was lying on the hospital bed, pale and tired.

He didn’t know how long he had been sitting beside the hospital bed. Until Henry arrived, he still sat quietly, staring at Emily, whose eyes had always been tightly shut.

Before Henry entered, he had already asked Liam what happened.

The situation was much worse than he had expected.

What deep and cureless wound he had already given.

There were still a few scratches on her neck. He could foresee that they would definitely be bloody at that time.

She suffered cuts and abrasions to the face.

It was estimated that she were so badly injured all over.

Henry clenched his fists tightly. If Hunter had not been so sorry for her, he could not guarantee that he would tear this murderer apart.

“Look at her.” Hunter suddenly stood up and was about to leave.

“Where are you going?” He should have left for Afghanistan tomorrow.

“You want to go

anything and

was not a good place to speak. He tried

If you change the plan, those

need for you to

moment, and he immediately ran as fast as he

do you mean?” Henry thought they would

to accompany her

people willing to accompany

but Henry was in the

Hunter, so he could

be with her, you can stay here by

had made up his

you want to bring it forward, I will immediately ask someone to re-plan. We

was to go with

all, Afghanistan was still too

stopped and stared

If you leave, it would arouse suspicion.”

it be that he

will know what to

with Peter!” To Henry’s surprise, Hunter was determined to keep him here.

that it was impossible for him to

left behind, who would help him in

leave, they will suspect

to stay here?” Absurd! This

want to do? Had Paradise

you’re thinking

the final say.”

over her. If anything happens to her, There’s no excuse for

Henry could say anything, Hunter had already pushed him

still wanted to catch up, but

his head and said, “Please take care of our Young Madame

the end, there was

the matriarch to take

be Young Madam in WongRiver Pavilion.

bring them back, it was unlikely to eliminate the threat of Heaven Island overnight .”

His woman was still lying in the hospital bed, while he made a firm

What if Emily felt despair

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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