Stay Around You Now And Forever

Chapter 287 That’s Him

Wendy did not know how Emily was injured.

They two were separated and she was locked up in a small room.

Later, Ewan brought people over and rescued her.

She was very disappointed that Hunter did not come to save her.

Especially during her hospitalization, Hunter hadn’t visited her once. She was extremely desperate.

But now, she was happy that Hunter wasn’t with Emily.

In her opinion, Emily shouldn’t obtain anything that she did not obtain!

Now, it seemed that Hunter did not come to see Emily even though something happened to her. Most likely, it was because Emily had lost her chastity, and Hunter turned up his nose at her.

Wendy was so happy!

“Young Master Hunter hasn’t come to see you, has he?”

She stared into Emily’s eyes with an intention to reveal all her feelings.

Emily didn’t show any unusual look at the moment, which allowed Wendy to know that she wasn’t wrong.

“Heh, Hunter isn’t free these few days! So, he didn’t come to see you. I’m sorry!” She laughed happily.

“However, he asked me to tell you to have a good rest. Whatever you want, just tell me. After all, you are my sister.”

This meant that without her help, Emily wouldn’t get anything.

“Thank you. Your things are just what I have thrown away. I don’t need them.”

“Emily, what do you mean?” Wendy was angry.

Emily lowered her head and looked at her book again, not even bothering to look at her.

“Nothing. I’m just telling you, what you want is just something I threw away. There is no need to show off!”

nonsense! You can’t

little excited. It was as if her heart was

been by Hunter’s side for so many days that

his arm, but she wasn’t

she knew that Hunter wanted

could have sex with this

not compare to this

what Emily said was not entirely true, Emily had

calm herself. She did not

injured neck. She snorted coldly, “No matter what happened, you have already become like this. I wonder how many men have played with you. Do you think Hunter will still

it you who had been played with by many

pitifully, she did have a

of sympathy had completely turned into a

deserve a

happened to her, it was impossible for Wendy to

she would even add insult to her injury, just like

instantly turned red.

her last time was true. But that matter had already been over, this bitch actually dared to mention it!

I was with that night was Hunter. He was the one who

if Wendy wanted to

you don’t believe me, you can go back and ask him.

believe it!” Wendy didn’t want to

her book

You were raped by those men, yet you


before she could make a move, she was blocked by the tall man who suddenly appeared

pushed her back without much


two nurses immediately rushed up and

Do you know who I am? How dare you do this to me?”

disdainfully, “Wendy, can you say something different? Are you tired

shut up! Hunter will come to see me and take me home! What about you? Who cares about

luxurious cars with low-key colors drove in from the entrance of the

of the car and walk to the back seat and talk to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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