Chapter 228

She got her answers immediately when she noticed the smell that she was so familiar with

It was Josiah Shelby.

Did he actually save her?

How was it possible?

“Josiah, what are you doing here?” Ysabelle pretended to be surprised. But before Josiah responded, she quickly went on, “My dad sent me here to convince Meredith to get rid of that unfathered baby, but she is unwilling to.”

Meredith slowly came back to her senses. Josiah and Ysabelle had always been on the same side. How could she expect Josiah to be kind just because he caught her right in time?

child is unfathered, he still has me as his mother. I will not get rid of him. And, I have already cut ties with the Leighton family for a long time. The Leightons have no right to be telling me what I should do with

then walked away

Ysabelle said to Josiah, “Looks like the child is really born out of wedlock. We should just leave

say it only once, so listen closely. Mind your words. That child is not unfathered,

senses. Walking up to Josiah, she asked, “What did you say, Josiah? How could it be? Weren’t you the one who forced her to

it’s not a guarantee

was shocked to

that he was the father

What should she do?

of this news. And the Leighton family would be affected too. Nia and Wren had gone downstairs to the garden while Meredith was recalling what

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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