Chapter 371


“Miss Quinley, it doesn‘t matter if you were really drunk or you were faking it, but I am deeply disappointed by your performance tonight.

It‘s neither interesting nor exciting, it‘s just boring.”

“Mister Josial, I…”

“Miss Quinley,” Josiah cut her off and said bluntly, “I need to correct you on one thing.

Even if Meredith‘s face is scarred, and even if she‘s mentally unstable, she is still a hundred times better than you.”

Quinley did not expect that she would be humiliated for offering herself to him.

She knew how she would end up if she did what Maeve did back then – insisting on him to leave Meredith and claiming to be much better than Meredith.

Hence she tampered down on her urge to defend herself.

For the sake of not provoking Josiah further, Quinley decided to continue pretending to be drunk.

held onto the car door and

right, Mister Josiah…no matter how Meredith turns out to

her best friend…how could I possibly have

stared at the man in

“I‘m sorry, Mister Josiah.

should have known better where I

were only using Meredith and that I could be the

“I am really sorry.

that this will

neck frustratedly and bellowed at Walter who was looking at them, mouth and eyes wide open, “What are you

startled when he saw Josiah pushing Quinley out of the car

his senses at Josiah‘s

water bottle to Quinley who looked scuffled, Walter removed her

into the driver‘s seat, started the engine,

until the car was out of her

course, yet at the same time felt

grew up receiving a lot of love and adoration from

that she made the first move to a guy but she ended up being left on the

of course, humiliating for

man who could do this to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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