Chapter 25 Lucia glanced at the table and saw Bennett Martin sitting in the middle.

She found the target, so she walked up and said softly, "Sir, this is the wine you ordered."

A man beside glanced the wine on the tray and said in confusion, "We didn’t order any wine! Is this…a gift?"

Listening to what this man said, all the people looked at Lucia.

Lucia was nervous and she tensed up, "This…this is a gift from our manager to you."

Hearing these, a man beside suddenly interjected smilingly, "So it’s the manager! I just ran into the manager when I called and had a chat with him.

Maybe the wine is from him."

Hearing this voice, Lucia subconsciously looked up.

This man’s voice was the same as what she just heard at the corner! Before Lucia understood, Bennett beside had already sald, "President Clark looks great! Just chatting with the manager for a couple of minutes, he sent the wine!"

President Clark smiled flatteringly.

"I don’t look as good as President Martin.

Since the wine has been delivered, then I definitely have to toast President Martin first!"

In a moment, the atmosphere in the room became more heated.

Lucia stood aside, and suddenly be at a loss.

What should Lucia do to meet and talk with Bennett alone? At that moment, a man beside said to Lucia, "What are you doing? Just pour the wine for President Martin."

Lucia immediately understood, and hurriedly picked up the red wine bottle to pour the wine.

Lucia was so green and panicky that she looked like a novice.

Present Clark beside was very angry."

If you don’t know how to pour wine, just get out!"

Being scolded, Lucia’s hand shook and the wine filled out of the glass at once.

Lucia spilled the wine all over Bennett.

The room was suddenly quiet for a few seconds, and the atmosphere was terrifying.

Lucia understood quickly and hurriedly grabbed the towel next to her to help wipe the stains on Bennett’s clothes, "Sorry, and I am very sorry.

I didn’t mean to do it!"

President Clark was furious, "How do you do things! Do you no hands or no eyes? You can even spill a drink!"

1 Bennett waved his hand, and he said softly, "Come on, President Clark.

It’s no big deal."

Lucia took a deep breath, and looked at Bennett and said, "President Martin, please come out with me, and I will help you clean up.

It is really my fault.

If I didn’t handle it well, I will be chastised by the manager, so please give me a chance."

Hearing it, Bennett looked up at her, and pause, and nodded, "OK."

Then Bennett stood up and smiled at the others in the room, "You drink first, and I’ll be back as soon as possible."

that, he walked towards

casually brought the

out of the room, Bennett turned to Lucia with a serious face and said

a waiter here, and why

didn’t know

she was still

deep voice, "Karen Club’s waiters are all

and she did not expect Bennett was shrewder than

so, she was afraid that Bennett would not agree to this deal, but

bravely looked up at Bennett,

am really not a waitress

am the assistant of the lion Group’s administration department, and I am specially


company before and talked to your manager about the

was reasonable, he

here to fight

Bennett said seriously.

have read the proposal given by

price given was too

are not short of orders now, so we don’t have to do the

know, and that’s why I want to fight for

piece of valuable information for you

"What is it?"


you going to work

frowned slightly, "How do you know

took a deep breath and told Bennett what she had just

expected, Bennett’s face became

matter was

to be calm and asked, "President Martin, the value of this information should be much more

eyes sank, "Why should I believe

me or not, which depends on

have conveyed the information, so I won’t

Martin is willing to accept

with The Lion Group, you won’t lose something, will

what Lucia said, Bennett’s

a few seconds of silence, he said much more softly, "President Clark has a problem with me,

expect that this time he wanted

I believe your words.

your reminder, I agree to take your

time if you still want to

give us a higher

and she took a

saw this and smiled, "If the next time you want to see me, don’t

a business card and

it and said excitedly,

assistant contact you, so you can

to the room,

she hadn’t overheard someone trying to set a trap for

Lucia carefully put the business card away, and walked quickly towards

changed her clothes quickly, and then was


voice, Lucia suddenly got nervous and turned

just ordered her to deliver the wine, was staring at her

they looked at each other, they

understood and jogged

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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