Super Rich Man

Super Rich Man By Kiang Chapter 67

Super Rich Man by kiang Chapter 67

True and false quacks

Is it really a laxative?

At this moment, Carlo’s face became dignified.

My wife was already in such bad health that if she took laxatives again, will she still be able to bear it?

A lot of doubts, haunting my mind.

Carlo looked at Leon’s indifferent expression, he told himself in his heart that, he must not jump to conclusions before the truth comes out.

“Leon, I’m sure you won’t do anything that violates medical ethics, but is this prescription really a laxative?”

Carlo will not think that Leon was a quack just because of Davis’s words, Even if he was confused, was Ezra also confused?

The level of Ezra was a little worse than that of famous doctors in the provincial capital, but there was no ambiguity in knowing people and judging people.

“Yes, it’s a laxative.” Leon nodded.

“How dare you hurt my grandmother and play with my grandmother’s life?” The anger in Tabitha Williams’s heart ignited instantly.

She had long questioned Leon’s medical skills, and at this moment focused on the outbreak.

Carlo was also shocked and puzzled and frowned at Leon.

Leon saved his life. He wouldn’t ask Leon as Tabitha Williams did, but he had to get to the bottom of it.

As for Davis, he chuckled in his heart, saying that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. With such a quack as the groundwork, his rescue seemed to carry a lot of weight.

Leon sensed that the atmosphere at the scene was dignified, especially the ferocious look in the eyes of Tabitha Williams, a dwarf, who wanted to tear him up immediately.

“It’s a laxative, so what? since I dare to prescribe a prescription, I’m 100% sure that you won’t be disappointed.”

At this time, Leon’s tone was bland and relaxed.

He won the true biography of Liana, the first female doctor in Italy, how could he trample on medical ethics at will and treat patients more seriously than any other doctor.

The reason for the relaxed performance was that this difficult and complicated disease that baffles all doctors was only a minor problem in his view.

Mortals are hypocritical, treating diseases with laxatives, similar to attacking poison with poison.

Carlo finally had some confidence when he saw Leon’s calm posture.

“I believe you.”

Williams heard her grandfather say this,

you defending him? Isn’t grandma’s body less

be cautious, although this laxative was not highly toxic, diarrhea was also very harmful to the body,

I dare to

good thing because it falls to the

the courage? How dare you say that medicine can cure the disease? using a laxative as an antidote has proved that you are a quack, and now that you are so arrogant, it further proves that you are a boastful doctor

Davis doesn’t even deserve

I am a descendant of Benevolence Hall, and our family has a full history of traditional Western medicine for a hundred years! ” Davis raised his head

this, Leon couldn’t help

doctors in Benevolence Hall. “You are not even qualified to participate. These days, cats and dogs dare to call themselves a family of traditional

that we haven’t reached the first-class level in the country in a hundred years.” Leon smiled

” Davis was so angry

then, the babysitter had fried the

was faced with a problem, that was, whether to give his wife the medicine prescribed by

Leon, because Ezra once

precious as giant pandas, and even if Herbalist is a time-honored brand, there is a certain gap

his identity. If he shouted an ancient doctor descendant here, Davis

of Leon. If you publicly reveal the identity of the descendants of ancient doctors now, it will bring trouble to yourself. At that time, many patients will come to seek

I’ve invited Mr. Wood, why not let him feel

a famous holy hand of traditional Western medicine, but at least

it’s time to let him have a try, but from the bottom of his heart,

however, Carlo

of Leon? It’s up

for Tabitha Williams and Davis to understand was that Carlo

how much

“I’m never afraid

from challenging his

him experience the world? alas, he could crush the holy hand of traditional Western medicine, but he pretended to be a little

surprised that he couldn’t

balance of opportunity, tilt to me again, boy, this was the opportunity you gave

heart, Davis immediately adjusted his mood, from the villain to tender and gentle, with a smile on the corners

has gained in the medical profession for more than 20 years if

elegant were more likely to set up the image

doctors in Herbalist, they did not want to compete with others, but doctors are based on treating diseases and saving lives, and the patient is heaven. Even if there are thousands of difficulties and dangers

one, almost

Hurry up.” Leon said bluntly

at Leon and then

pulse of Carlo’s wife shows that it was indeed complicated. Although it was not an acute disease, it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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