Super Rich Man

Super Rich Man By Kiang Chapter 120

Super Rich Man by kiang Chapter 120

Earned by blood

“Boy! Come and play two games with me!”

The old village head was anxious to let Leon sit down, and there was a chessboard in front of him.

Leon never expected that the old village head was the chess king he met in the park that day!

The people’s park was not far from the village in the city, and the King of Chess goes to play chess every day.

Leon didn’t care at that time, except that the old men in the park called him the chess king.

“Grandpa, why don’t I play two games with you?” Leon answered.

At this time, the old leader handed over a sentence, “Brother, the boy was here to discuss demolition, saying that he wanted to raise the standard of compensation for demolition. Consider it.”

“Oh, brother, the sun comes out in the west. Since when do you speak for people? It’s not liked your personality! ”

The old village head spoke in a tone like a playful child.

“This young man was not ordinary. His calligraphy was above me and far above me. I have collected his calligraphy and waited for it to rise in value.” The old leader thought he had picked up a treasure.

In fact, the old leaders of the school do not know that Leon’s calligraphy can already be called the top among contemporary calligraphers.

After all, they are all solitary books. His “people” have disappeared for several years, and there was very little stock in the world. From last year to this year, the price per square foot has quadrupled.

After all, the old leader could not get in touch with the higher-level calligraphy circle, so he did not recognize it as the calligraphy of the mysterious “people”.

“Ooh! The young man also knows calligraphy, versatile ah, can be recognized by my brother, the level must not be simple, if nothing else, sit down and kill a few sets, if you can beat me in the next three games, then I will agree to demolition.”

Since he lost to Leon in the park, he has studied the chess game and worked out a plan to beat Leon.

Today he is determined to win, and he was 90% confident of defeating Leon.

“Are you serious?” Leon asked.

“Although I care about winning or losing very much, I never go back on my word, young man, as long as you can beat me in three games in a row, the demolition will be easy!” The old village chief made a promise.

“Grandpa is really straightforward, so I’ll ask you for advice today.” Leon was also interested when he saw that the chess king was determined to win.

loneliness, only when you meet your

you can win casually,

the old leader of the school who stood by watching chess already had a

He can be said to be fighting all over the city. He is wily and resourceful. It seems that I can’t help Leon with the

playing a game with the old

raised his hand

won like this,

a flat tone,

he was not

would be able to fight him for half an hour, but to his disappointment, he settled the

head and said with a sad face, “Oh!” This’ car ‘shouldn’t get off like this. It’s

the park

brother to lose

Leon comforted himself that


took a little longer, but not more than ten minutes, and ended

head with his signature

It’s too hard!

prepared, all of which

that it

going to do everything

the first two minutes, the Chess King

It’s so hard!

are used, they are

king’s tenacious resistance, he lost ten

of happiness, and his heart

to find an opponent, and he could

was shocked to

so strong, the boy is too good, this

I lost again! All three games

and disappointed to

mentality of the chess king is

from then on, you will be the

Grandpa. I’m just lucky.” Leon was not hypocritical modesty, just

You are indeed much better than me. Talents like

in studying routines, just

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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