Super Rich Man

Super Rich Man By Kiang Chapter 123

Super Rich Man by kiang Chapter 123

People should be Aware

“My colleagues in the office insist on dragging me to see Mr. Walker in Fairmont City. I want you to come with me and pretend to be my boyfriend, otherwise, they won’t give up.”

Rachel was afraid to tell Leon in person or on the phone, she thought that texting can hide her nervousness and uneasiness. Besides, Leon was her ideal boyfriend, she just thought that she wasn’t good enough for Leon.

At that moment, Leon looked at the message sent by Rachel and smiled faintly.

“Silly girl.” He whispered.

Before eating in a western restaurant, Leon heard a female colleague of Rachel mention that her cousin knew Liam, and said she wanted to introduce Rachel.

Unexpectedly, it was really arranged for Rachel. It seems that the campus beauty of Fairmont University never changes as she entered the workplace.

Rachel did not work for a long time. With her high-quality appearance, she was inevitably pursued and introduced to a boyfriend. However, Rachel already has a desired goal in mind.

To maintain a relationship with colleagues, it was always reckless to refuse directly, so Rachel had to ask Leon to do her a favor.

At more than seven o’clock in the evening, Leon was wearing a gray casual hoodie as he walked into Harbor Restaurant.

high-end in Fairmont City. When Leon arrived,

down, Nancy and her cousin’s eyes were full of disdain and seemed unhappy with the arrival of Leon. The last time, Nancy saw Leon was playing tricks on a male colleague and

rank in the top three. Master Liam was not only the only son of the city’s largest real estate owner but also the

condition, Leon was nothing comparable to Mr. Liam Walker. So, Leon was like a big problem. They thought they could have taken this opportunity to curry favor with Master Liam, but the addition of a man out of thin air will certainly cause discomfort to Mr. Liam. Nancy winked

at this time, Rachel first spoke, blushed, and said “You see, I told you, I have a boyfriend, this is my boyfriend Leon,

how excellent this Mr. Walker and how illustrious the family

It turns out you really have a boyfriend. I was kind enough to do bad things.” Nancy

Rachel and Leon behaving vaguely. She just wants Rachel

doesn’t care because she thought that Rachel and Leon would break up sooner or later. The longer a woman steps into society, the more realistic she will be.

here and we should leave.” Rachel wants to get out of this

you could leave like this; we have to meet and say sorry to

this kind of request was too much for her. Her ‘boyfriend’ was sitting right next to her and yet he has to apologize to Liam as if he was the victim. Although Rachel doesn’t know what Liam thinks, Nancy’s excessive demands completely enraged

to have a boyfriend on a blind date. If you ask me to apologize to Liam, I

hooked Rachel’s waist and

here already, let’s just finish eating and

he directly pulls Rachel away. However, he knew Liam, so

cousin disdainfully glances at Leon, sneered in her heart, and said, “Oh, this is the sorrow of the poor, to get a living he would lose his dignity, I thought he had anything extraordinary, it

go. We won’t have this meal.” Rachel still doesn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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