Super Rich Man

Super Rich Man By Kiang Chapter 177

Super Rich Man by kiang Chapter 177

Can You See Me Proud

At this time, Leon just came to the private room and heard what Anna said.

Leon knew best who took care of it.

No matter what Frank’s background is, Linda the boss here, said that only a good son like him can make her make an exception, and no one else can!

Leon sat down and Anna immediately cast a contemptuous look.

Frank on the other hand smiled and talked to Leon. “You must be Leon. My name is Frank, Sucyanti’s good friend. I have a very good relationship with Sucyanti and there is a close relationship between our families.”

Although Frank is polite, there is a sharp edge in his words, which seemed to be a declaration of sovereignty.

“Frank, ignore him. Let’s talk about us.”

With Frank in here, it seemed that Anna is more excited.

At this point, Sucyanti wondered whether Leon or Frank convinced the boss.

This restaurant is very efficient and exquisite in serving food.

Their order came and the waiter served first an appetizer. After they finished having their appetizers. salad, soup, main course, staple food, and dessert been served afterward. The clerk ends the dish with a half-squat and a whisper to introduce the meal.

The ceremonial feeling of the meal is quite like that of a high-end restaurant.

Among all the dishes that’s been served, the waiter mentioned the main dish which black truffle Braised Pork with Abalone. Linda’s creative specialty dish that’s recently also loved by diners.

Fresh abalone, Italian black truffle, and Iberian black-haired pig, food alone won Leon’s appetite!

The sweetness and salinity of the sauce match just right. The braised pork’s fat is thin, basically melted in their mouth. The abalone is fresh and tender, and the black truffle is the finishing touch that gave the whole dish an extra aroma!

The last dish, Liquor-Soaked Crabs, which has been cooked in flower carvings for ten years, is the treasure of the town shop. It was brought to the table by the owner Linda herself.

“This Liquor-Soaked Crabs is marinated for ten years in flower carving wine which seems simple but pays great attention to kung fu. If there is too little wine, the aroma of the wine will not be enough. Too much wine, the flavor will pass. This Liquor-Soaked Crabs wine utilized crab meat fat, every mouthful is to enjoy!

of dishes. Her eyes glowed

delicacies are all materials for her Wechat


the private

received the guests

brought the food

past, this could not have happened at

is a woman with a great personality. She has a strong ability and extraordinary talent to cook food. She is hailed as a celebrity in the industry, but she has a strong sense of principle. She said

of diners who comes to their store. Even many diners from other places

person with a lot of personalities has

rumored bad-tempered Linda, has

really because of

Sucyanti is not sure.

Linda began to divide the

are four Liquor-Soaked Crabs on the plate, which are full of fragrance. The crab meat must

question is, there are only four Liquor-Soaked Crabs, and

on the plate of Liquor-Soaked Crabs. When she heard that she had been using flower carvings wine for ten years,

will not get their proportionate

who gave her so much confidence. Even if Linda doesn’t divide it for everyone, she

still be

Crabs to Leon’s

was Anna’s

as the food slipped

it? Boss, let’s have another round

earlier, it would be enough. There are only four fresh crabs left today. I would

this, Anna

the plate of others and finally fixed her eyes on Leon with hostility in her

made Leon feel speechless. Just for a Liquor-Soaked

what Leon felt during the ‘water incident’

day, or I’ll buy you a lot of Liquor-Soaked Crabs when I go back so that you

room for private dishes? And what’s the point of going back to eat? If the environment changes, the style will be reduced! ” Anna really doesn’t give Zard any

person like Anna deserve to talk about style? Full of disdain, even if she comes to a good boy for a hundred times, she can’t bring up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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