Surrogate For Alpha Dom

Accidental Surrogate For Alpha Novel Free -Chapter 67


The rogues aren’t as smart as they think they are. Their only chance would have been to attack me all at once. Instead they try to lunge at me two at a time, giving each other time to rest and rebound in between attacks. At first – the first five seconds that is – it works. The red wolf crashes into my side while a big gray beta slams into my right. Then the other two charge me, but as soon as I’ve seen what they’re about – I adapt.

The next time a wolf lunges for me I meet him head on, snatching his neck between my jaws and violently ripping into him with my fangs. As soon as he falls I turn on the other, slashing at the other wolves with my front and hind legs while my mouth rips the next attacker limb from limb. I’ve tasted their blood now, and my worry for Ella and the baby is growing stronger with every moment that passes.

These four would have been outmatched with me on a good day, but the Prince was an idiot to send them on the Solstice, and he was certainly a fool to have them attack my mate at the same time. Normal wolves can do extraordinary things to protect their families – and I’m no ordinary wolf.

Within minutes their bodies are scattered around me, and I don’t feel the slightest bit of remorse for killing them. These wolves are probably some of the same ones responsible for the attack at the canal, and while I might forgive an attack on me, I will never forgive an attack on my pack or the woman they believe is my mate.

Even if I was in a forgiving mood, I can’t afford to let them get word back to the Prince. The wolves after Ella will know she hasn’t shifted and they probably already communicated that with their friends. They’ll realize that Ella isn’t truly a she-wolf, and that secret is certainly going to die with them.

I sprint through the forest towards Ella and the other rogues. When I find Ella’s abandoned coat and realize she’s tried to lay a false trail I’m impressed, and when I realize she’s gone into the stream I’m both proud and terrified. I can hear snarling in the distance, which means she’s still alive. But how long has she been out of the water, and what have they done to her?

– but nothing prepared me for the primal fury I would feel actually seeing these wolves go after my sweet little human. The sounds of her cries egg me on,

blood roaring in my ears and the taste of blood on my fangs, and the next I’m opening my eyes to a scene of utter carnage. I can’t recall ever inflicting so much damage on

her teeth chattering as well. Cursing myself, I shift back into my human form and use some snow to wash the blood from my face and limbs. Trying to shake off the violence, I go to kneel in front of the tiny cave into which Ella has forced herself.

try to steady my heaving breath. “It’s alright,

and I remember the way she went into shock after the first attack. My Goddess, I think bitterly. Only a month together and there’s already been more

in there with her. I can smell her blood, though it isn’t as strong as the rogue’s. Of

broken bones or frostbite and I wouldn’t smell a thing. “Are you hurt? How long have you been out of the

to purr, hoping this will break through her shock enough to lure her out of hiding. “You did so well evading them and finding a hiding

When I finally see her, however, I know she isn’t in any state to help me. Her beautiful eyes are clenched tightly shut, tears streaming down her cheeks as she clamps her hands over her ears, rocking back and forth in the small space. I doubt she

jolt, but just as quickly she doubles down, as if she’s trying to block out the sensations – as if she doesn’t trust them.

I decide, wishing there was any other way, “I wish I could let you stay here until you’re ready to come

know she can’t hear me, but I continue talking to her in the hopes that she might come back to herself

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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