Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge By Nuit Chapter 27

Chapter 27 :Spitting on him

Being questioned in person like this, Wyatt couldn’t face it and sank his face, “Stella, watch your words.”

“There’s nothing wrong with my wording, every word is what I had in mind. I don’t know what kind of backstage deal she has, but I will never let a plagiarist mix in my tearn!”

After saying that, Stella turned around and left the office.

“Stella, Stella, hey…” the HR manager calle after her and sighed a bit awkwardly,

“Mr. Wyatt, Stella’s temper is like this, she speaks straight, but her goal is still for the good of the company. You should not be angry with her.”

“If I were to be reasonable with her, would she still be sitting in the project manager position for so long?”

Shaking his head, Wyatt turned his head to look at Silvia,

“Ahhh, the same goes for you, don’t take her words too much to heart. She’s a person, you’ll know when you get along in the future.

She has a bad temper and a poisonous mouth, but she’s still got a good heart. I think, in the future you will work well together.”

“…” will get along well? silvia was doubtful.

But she nodded at this point, “I can understand Stella, and the people out there questioning me as well as distrusting me, and I’m grateful to Mr. Wyatt for this opportunity. I’ll do my best.”

Wyatt was still satisfied with her answer.

He seemed to remember something else, “By the way, about the last new product competition, this matter still hasn’t been settled. V.L. is coming after you hard. Do you have a plan?”

He asked a rather subtle question- the implication was that Silvia had to do something to solve it.

will definitely solve this matter as soon as possible. I think the best evidence is that I show

raised his hand and patted the outside of her arm, “But in this matter, Carmelo will not intervene and will not respond to this matter just because you have signed to our


just between her personally and V.L. and Isdarius, but once someone from Carmelo came forward it would be the

she’s not arguing and lighting back, she’s just waiting

the company, she went straight

her, so she went straight to the door and was about to work

to the lawyer. Also, don’t forget to scan the online ones, and then buy som bols to food social media wiili favorable posts

information? Was it the information that was taken from

Those files were the most important evidence of Silvia’s past with

was that Silvia doesn’t seem to be in a hurry

I have to remind

took out her phone to send a message, but had only just

got here, too.” Winnie

said as she pushed the door open


a smile, Winnie put away the phone and walked in. Besides,

Ladarius,” she called out stilfly, and she stood silent,

didn’t have a good feeling about Ladarius as a

for a longer time, and most of it was

was a very hard worker when she was in school, but only after she was with Silvia did she realize

not stay up and fell asleep in the laboratory, but woke up to

fame or profit, giving up all the glory and awards, just for Ladarius, and this scum

spitting on him, which was also very

from your vacation, huh? How was it? Did you have a good

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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