Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge By Nuit Chapter 397

Chapter 397 The Happiest Day

It was dark. In Bliss Club…

It was the largest nightclub in the city. It was home to the highest grade private rooms, the most complete set of facilities, the best service, and … the most expensive price.

But the price was nothing to Vicente.

He booked a large private room and called his so-called confidants over. The table was full of all kinds of beverages. It looked like he would not go back until he was drunk.

“Today, we invite you to this celebration party to relax and cheer everyone up. Our future will be limitless, and you will be promising young fellows. Our products will enjoy great popularity.”

While raising the cup in his hand, Vicente proudly said, “Recently, everyone has worked hard.

Come, let me toast the success of everyone.”

“Thank you, Mr. Petersen,’ everyone said in unison while raising their heads to drink.

At that moment, someone on the side said, “Now, Mr. Petersen is just a manager. I believe that Mr. Petersen will become the vice president of the company…”

Everyone laughed along. Vicente was naturally happy. But he had to maintain his composure on the surface. “Don’t say that. Don’t say it so early. This matter is still uncertain. Not necessarily…”

“Why not? I think it will be a matter of course,” another person flattered again, “Mr. Petersen, you just took the project and made such a beautiful result. Who in the company can do it? Besides, you are the only son of the second vice president. You will inherit the position in the future.”

After hearing this, Vicente felt happy. He smiled without saying a word and just held his cup while letting the others flatter him.

But someone couldn’t realize the situation. The one asked in a low voice, “But… Doesn’t Declan have a son?”

to the one bumped into her while

recently and hasn’t come to the company for a long time. If it weren’t for the support of Shawn, there might have been some trouble. And Declan’s son isn’t someone who can do business. How can he be

have to punish yourself. Drink. We

rely on Mr.

long as everyone works hard and works for the company, I promise that you

everyone became happy. And the

Gel Banus


went out to answer a call. After a while, he came back

a humiliation?” Vicente

a first-class model in the country and had also gone through some international shows. With her position, she couldn’t get the perfume commercial. By relying on

to the celebration party to make everyone cheer up

some prestige

didn’t expect Janice to come so late. And he was told that Janice couldn’t make it. So he regarded it as

Frey is sick, so it

Shit,” Vicente said unhappily. “Does she want

over, she must cooperate with the company’s publicity and activities. Otherwise, we will sue her for

any time.”

right.” After hearing what Vicente said, the assistant went to contact Janice

stars. To put it bluntly, it was just money. As long as the money was in

This time, he held his cell phone and gave it to Vicente. “Mr. Petersen. It should not be an excuse. I told her

the cell phone

it and almost threw his cup in his

is in the hospital now. She is afraid that you won’t believe her, so she takes a photo

face, it could be seen that it was red and covered with densely packed little lumps. It looked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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