Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge By Nuit Chapter 405

Chapter 405 No Matter Who Is Right

“So Mr. Petersen, what you care about now is only the company’s loss, not Ms. Frey’s physical condition, right?” A reporter immediately raised a sharp question.

Vicente was not a fool. Vicente immediately realized that it was a trap for him. Vicente said, “Who

said that we don’t care about Ms. Frey’s condition? But before there is conclusive evidence, it is slandering to say that there is something wrong with our perfume. We will reserve the right to pursue legal liability!”

“The hospital has already given a test report, confirming that Ms. Frey is allergic to your company’s perfume. There is no doubt about this. What are you still quibbling about, Mr. Petersen? What evidence do you want?”

“Mr. Petersen, are you trying to pressure Ms. Frey and make her change her mind?”

“Your company didn’t investigate or try to find out the evidence to prove that you are innocent. Are

you trying to cover this matter?

“If Ms. Frey is allergic, then it means that there are many consumers who might be allergic to the perfume as well. Moreover, your perfume likely contains prohibited components. It is not allowed to be sold at all. How did you pass the test? Are there any other stakeholders?”

“The consumers have the right to know. You can’t fool them with just a few words of slander. Mr. Petersen, if you think that it is slander, why don’t you follow the legal procedure?”

These reporters seemed to have come prepared as they chimed in one after another. Vicente was

unable to say a single word.

Vicente had never experienced something like that. At first, Vicente could deal with a few

sentences, but when there were more people asking questions, Vicente was completely

tongue-tied. Vicente could not say a word.

Vicente said, “You all… All of you…”

“Mr. Petersen, do you have anything else to say? Or are we slandering you as well?”

public angry. At this time, Vicente realized that he had come to the wrong place. Vicente also understood why he


at Janice. Vicente looked at Janice lying on the bed, but there were

not do anything, Vicente had to be careful no


at Janice. Vicente said, “Janice, good job! Our company won’t let you off just like that. We

Vicente turned around and rushed

the face of such a threat?” The reporters didn’t chase after Vicente and instead focused their

body is very uncomfortable because of the allergy. I don’t know if there will be any sequela in the future, and there will be delays in my work. It makes me very uncomfortable. I don’t want to say anything. I just want to

after saying these words. Janice was

feel pity for

We will

Frey, everyone is on your side. We have seen what happened to you. We will never

unscrupulous company escape!”

“Yes, the unscrupulous company!”

enough to stir up empathy, and it could be

up, covered her face, and sobbed. Janice said, “Thank

some rest. Don’t disturb Ms. Frey’s

media all left. Anyway, everything that they wanted to record and what they didn’t expect was

was sensational enough. It was not less sensational than when Silvia had put poison in the perfume before, and it

pieced-together recording. It could not prove anything. In addition, Warin had a strong background and the public relations team was very good. The matter was soon suppressed. Later on, with the press conference, Silvia was not only whitewashed, but it also caused a huge effeci. Now, it was

thought that Silvia was going to retire and be a rich housewife, it was revealed that Silvia had opened her studio

had done were truly

the Petersen Group this time was different. This was

it was also the first perfume. Before they went on the market, they had all

the perfume went

only been in the limelight for


not a pieced-together recording, not a blurred video, but

material evidence. This time, it was unknown how

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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