Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge By Nuit Chapter 408

Chapter 408 Charles Is No Longer Here

Leslie was extremely unhappy. She felt that Shawn was protecting that woman. “How is that impossible? They are all in that circle. You think so highly of Vicente now. It’s hard to say if she

doesn’t hold a grudge and wants to harm us!”

The more Leslie spoke, the more she felt that this was the case. She grabbed her son and began to

cry again. “Why are we so miserable? My child, you are finally going to stand out. I didn’t expect

you to be framed…”

“Well, don’t think too much! Hannah is not that kind of person!” Shawn scolded her and said, “She can tell the severity of the matter. This is not jealousy between you women. This concerns the entire Petersen Group. What good is it for her to destroy the Petersen Group? Do you think she will be so stupid?”

Vicente was stunned by Shawni’s shout. He gently tugged at the corner of his mother’s clothes and said, “Mom, it shouldn’t be her. It might be a competition in business. I have no experience. This time, it’s my fault! I will take responsibility for it.”

in the beginning, Vicente was in a panic, Now that it had become like this, his emotions slowly calmed down. He knew that he should give in and put ona posture Even if he agreed with his mother’s words, his father obviously did not believe them. There was no need to argue with Shawni at this moment.

Seeing his attitude, Shawn was finally much more satisfied. He nodded and said, “Right now, the top priority is not to pursue whose responsibility, but to find a way to settle this matter first.”

“Then… What should we do?” Leslie couldn’t think of a way.

She had never done business before. She had no experience of this. After graduating from

university, she found a job in sales. Later, she hooked up with Shawn not long after, so she stopped

working. She was kept by him until now.

Not worrying about making a living, Leslie had a lot of time to go out and shop. When she was bored, she would browse the news or something. Otherwise, she was afraid that she really did not understand anything

“I’ll think of a way. In short, during this period, Vicente should try to avoid going out and showing his face. If the company needs you to explain, you must lower your attitude and admit defeat. Understand?”

Dad,” Vicente

leaving first.” Standing up, Shawn felt exhausted all

to eat before leaving?” Leslie quickly


Gd Bones

rest now. This matter is serious Can we wait?” Shawn glanced at

time, he felt that this woman, who had followed


expect herself to be ridiculed. She shouted angrily, but

many years, and I have given up everything of course, I don’t understand! Now you dislike me, what are you going to do?” Leslie


don’t be angry. Dad is anxious.” Vicente

care about you!” Rolling her eyes, she said, “The two

to anger me. I

lost for

in a private

a public

was built on the mountain, and the environment was particularly quiet. In the morning, the birds could be heard. It

seemed to have nothing to do with this place.

serenity would eventually

held the document bag in her hands as she stood outside the ward and


you are filial, but Declan is not suitable to see guests in his current

disturb him either. Something happened in the company and I have to

What’s more…” She lowered her head and smiled, raising the hair


“But this…”

was hesitating when the sound of coughing came from the ward, followed by

he had spoken, Cindy took a step to the side.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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