Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge By Nuit Chapter 421

Chapter 421 She’s Still Holding on

“What if the association puts pressure on Warin?” Silvia asked.

“I don’t think so,” Winnie replied,

She believed a big company like Warin wouldn’t be afraid of the Perfuming Association.

Silvia smiled and glanced at Winnie. “Do you think that the Perfuming Association is just a civilian organization? Absolutely not!

“Not to mention that lots of famous perfumers of the country are in the association. If they all join forces to threaten Warin, they will have a huge impact on perfume production. There are even directors and a president in the association. Do you think they are just perfumers?

“In fact, some members in the association are even from politics. It is because of this that they almost control the entire perfume industry. They make all kinds of regulations and instructions. Simply because they are rejected and feel embarrassed, they could even cancel someone permanently from entering the perfume industry.”

That was why Silvia didn’t like the association. The Perfuming Association was no longer a pure organization aiming at the development of perfume, and that was against Silvia’s belief.

“In that case, how dare you still laugh! Hurry up and find a fucking solution!” Winnie did not expect things to be so serious. She thought that with Simon there, everything could be settled. There was no big problem at all.

But according to Silvia’s words, Warin might fail, and Simon could not go against the association

as well. Then Winnie wondered why Silvia still lay there under the porch and drank coffee.

“What is all the fuss about? If they want to cancel me, I have no way to fight back. Then why not let them do whatever they want? As a perfumer, I just need to mind my own business and make the best perfume,” Silvia said.

Silvia, as a perfumer, knew about her duty and responsibility, which was perfuming. Other than that, there was nothing more important.

“But… Winnie was about to say something. But Silvia suddenly got up and said, “I thought of


It was unknown to Winnie what Silvia was talking about, but soon she saw Silvia had already

arrived at a corner.

Silvia found a few green sprouts growing out. Although there were only a few of them, they

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with a

she carefully held the sprouts up with


slight touch, its skin was

the juice on her fingertips, rubbed it, and then sniffed it close to her

this?” Winnie

days ago, Winnie saw Silvia plant the tree stumps. They were just ordinary wooden stakes. If they had not sprouted at that moment, Winnie would still think that

seen a lot of raw materials for perfume, including tree stumps. And for Winnie, there was really nothing special about these tree stumps. She believed they were just normal wood instead of special raw materials. However, Silvia was somehow very careful with

they were a

was very pleasant, completely forgetting

very calm no matter what happened. Moreover, she was prepared for that and knew what Abel was capable of. In that sense, Silvia

get my plate.” Silvia

the plate. Even though there were only a few tree stumps and

is very special!” Winnie couldn’t help but approach

good thing? Be careful, don’t break my treasure.

few days. If her

a big yard in Boston

the post and the notice for

public as Abel was

was no response from Silvia either. Nothing

that Silvia surely had some guts. She didn’t even give Abel a call or ask for mercy. Deep down, Abel didn’t

Silvia would make a successful career out of it.

admit defeat. She must think that Simon could

thought Abel.

wants to see you,” a guard said as Abel

Abel suddenly raised his head and asked, because the people there

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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