Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge By Nuit Chapter 461

Chapter 461 Litzy’s Visit

“It won’t.” Silvia slowly took care of the flowers and said, “The association has developed to this day. Do you think it will be disbanded so easily? It is not established because of a certain person, nor will it disband because of a certain person. I do not have that much power.”

To put it bluntly, Silvia was just the direct cause that pushed things forward. The Perfuming Association had only itself to blame for what it had become today.

If Johnson hadn’t been selfish and Abel hadn’t been in a hurry to prove himself to his family, if it wasn’t for the fact that the entire association went after fame and money and had long forgotten their initial intentions, it wouldn’t have collapsed just because of Silvia’s thing.

Now, it seemed to outsiders that this was all because of Silvia, but it was actually not.

“But… Everyone supports you. What should we do?”

“Leave them alone. Don’t respond. They may not mean what they say. Instead, they have ill intentions.” After trimming the extra branches, Silvia turned her head and smiled gently, “Think about it. If I take this position, how many responsibilities would I have to bear? I don’t think I can bear such a heavy burden, and I don’t have that ability.”

Silvia was focused on making perfume. She had no experience in management and did not think that she could do it. Among those who wanted her to be the head of the Perfuming Association, some were excited and blinded by admiration, while some were up to no good.

When the crowd slowly cooled down, it would be time to reorganize the Perfuming Association. In the association, there might not be a few people who could match her level of making perfume, but there should be many people who were better at management and handling daily affairs than her.

“No matter what, I won’t join the Perfuming Association.”

Silvia said faintly.

“Mrs. Palmer, there is a visitor outside.”.

Ever since Silvia revealed her relationship with Simon and prepared for their wedding, Simon had hired a few servants. After all, the two of them were often at home, and they needed some people to take care of the housework and trivial

matters from time to time.

And the servants called Silvia Mrs. Palmer.

Frowning, Silvia said, “Didn’t I say that I wouldn’t meet any visitors?”

Recently, not only were there many calls, but many people came to visit by using their connections, so Silvia didn’t answer the phone or meet any visitors.

“But…” After a moment of hesitation, the servant whispered, “She said that she is Mr. Palmer’s aunt.”


in the store

Simon’s aunt, Litzy?

Silvia thought about it

gifts. She might be here to congratulate

house was full of joy. Simon said that since they would hold a wedding, there should be a happy atmosphere. Therefore, the house was also

knew that they would have a wedding, so they thought that the woman came to


last time, she knew that Simon did not have a good relationship with his family,

not know that

thinking about it, Silvia turned around and called

the phone quickly, “What’s up? Do you miss me?”

“Don’t interrupt. Do

surprised. He thought about it and said, “Have

door. I don’t know if you know, so I want to ask

away!” Simon said

didn’t know

she had



her yet, send her away. Don’t see

a lot of things. She might be here to

so hostile

said, “You don’t have to worry about it. Just let the servant tell her

“Yes, I understand.”

for Simon to say so. Silvia nodded. “Well…


up the phone, Silvia asked the servant to send Litzy away. She said

asleep after taking medicine. Although the servant was

was even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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