Sweet Revenge

Sweet Revenge By Nuit Chapter 473

Chapter 473 You Must Be Satisfied With Me

After singing an entire song by himself, Bridger turned his head and saw that Paisley was still

sitting there silently. Finally, Bridger could not bear it and approached her, “Ms. Drew, do you hold grudges against me?”

Paisley blinked and shook her head.

Seeing that Paisley did not refuse, Bridger moved a little closer to her, “Since you don’t hold grudges against me, you must be satisfied with me. Then, can we officially settle the marriage?”

Although the Palmer family had already made a lot of preparations for this marriage, the Drew family’s attitude was still ambiguous. After all, not everyone can marry into such a large family as

the Drew family.

Originally, there was absolutely no need for the Palmer family to play up with the Drew family. However, the Palmer family was under Simon’s control. Although Bridger was Simon’s uncle, Bridger did not have any real power. Bridger didn’t have much say in the family. Thus, the Drew

family did not like Bridger very much.

But fortunately, no matter what, Bridger was backed by the Palmer family. Maybe one day Bridger would come to power. This was probably what the Drew family was interested in.

“Paisley…” As Bridger called her name softly, Bridger reached out and put his arm around her shoulder, trying to get closer to her.

As long as they could be closer, Bridger wouldn’t have to worry about what to do next.

But as soon as Bridger’s fingers touched Paisley’s shoulder, the latter jumped up as if she had been electrocuted. The wine in her hand spilled on Bridger’s leg.

“Sorry!” Paisley hurriedly said. She was at a loss.

Her reaction was too abrupt, which startled Bridger. Paisley even put her hands on her chest in a defensive posture.

Who didn’t know that the Drew family was an ancient family of ancient martial arts? Paisley was the successor. No one knew how skilled her martial arts were. Bridger was actually a little afraid.

definitely not be a match

to flirt with her. Bridger was afraid that he would be

long time, Bridger finally summoned up the courage to hug her Paisley under the influence of alcohol. Bridger did not expect

did not hit Bridger, nor did she do anything violent. She even apologized to Bridger and said sorry to

stunned for a moment.

in a daze and not saying

It’s fine!” Bridger said as he hurriedly waved

head to look at Paisley’s expression and asked

She bent down to put down the

took two steps back. “Mr. Palmer, it’s very late. I want

“It’s only nine

singing. Then Bridger proposed to watch movies. Thrilling films sound nice. If Paisley was scared,

it, Bridger felt

her head. “No. It’s too late. I really

walked towards the door. Seeing that Paisley had made up her mind, Bridger could not stop her anymore. He could only follow her until they

name, he placed one hand on the car and trapped her between him and the car. He looked at Paisley with eyes

was even a

almost thought that

the violent side of Paisley. The Twin Killers, Paisley’s subordinates, were even more terrifying. Would such a valiant and tough woman betray an innocent

Paisley was just better in other aspects. She

other aspects that she spent all her energy on those things. It was normal for her to be nervous since

fascinated by Bridger, a romantic and playful man. It was understandable that Paisley was at a loss for

so shocked? If she wasn’t moved

then what?

was just the shyness of

with incomparable confidence and pride. He casually brushed away the hair on his forehead and said in a posture that he thought was very

seen that Paisley was a little nervous and even swallowed her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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