Sweet Sorrow

Chapter 58 Nicole, Shy-Shy

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

The whole night, Jacob was very excited. As if he had taken medicine to repeatedly drive Nicole on the verge of collapse.

In the end, if Nicole hadn't cried herself hoarse, Jacob would have to continue.

In the middle of the night, Jacob took Nicole to the bathroom and took a shower. They made love in the bathroom for a while, and then they went back to bed together, falling asleep. She should go back home early in the morning.

Nicole was so sleepy that she could hardly open her eyes, but she managed to cheer herself up. She found her cell phone and held it in her arms when the alarm clock buzzed.

She fell asleep as soon as she finished the thing.

When she woke up again, she was woken up by the vibration of the alarm clock in her arms.

Going back home early kept running in her mind. Nicole was sleepy for a while. She turned off the alarm and crept to bed.

Jacob suddenly turned over and let out a soft sweet noise. Nicole was so scared that her limbs were stiff and she dared not move.

She stood where she was for a moment and felt relieved when she made sure that Jacob was still in sleep and didn't wake up.

In the dim light, Nicole found her clothes in the messy clothes scattered on the ground. To her surprise, they were torn into shreds and she could not wear them at all.

Although Nicole also brought another set of clothes for changing, she was still a little unwilling that the clothes were torn.

Nicole took her clothes and handbags to the bathroom. She quickly changed her clothes in case of waking up Jacob. She wiped her face and walked out of the bedroom tiptoeing.

She thought no one would get up at this time, but to her surprise, the servants had already been preparing breakfast when she went downstairs.

"Good morning, miss."

Afraid of waking up Jacob, Nicole gave him a hush and asked in a low voice, "good morning. Did the driver get up?"

"He is up. Please wait for a moment, my lady. I'll ask him to come here."

"Thank you."

place where there were cars on foot, but now it seemed that she could still be

for me." The driver bent down

expression. "Sorry, are you busy now? Can you


thinking about Jacob. She immediately explained, "Jacob is still sleeping. He was exhausted

I'll drive you home." The driver seemed to understand something and immediately

on the car, Nicole realized slowly that it was ambiguous with what she said to the driver.

Last night.... Tired

she was still thinking

stared to think that thing all the time which people wouldn't think in. For another moment, she also thought that what she said was indeed quite ambiguous.

a while of thinking and sighing, the car was drove

here we

"Okay, thank you."

driver and got

that time, the sky was still gray, and there were few people on the road, only the stall that was selling breakfast was lit up with an orange

a deep breath of fresh air and bought some hot buns and porridge. She hummed a

shoes and put the breakfast on the table, Jim opened

uniform and looked at

school after breakfast, Jim." Nicole went back to the kitchen and got a dish for

head and asked Nicole in a low voice, "sister, did you go out to see your boyfriend last

almost choked on the porridge when she heard

know?" Nicole asked with her eyes wide

the position of her

mirror by the door. She looked at her

there was hickey on

called... called hickey ?" Gritting his steamed bun, Jim walked up to Nicole and asked seriously.

you learn these

made a face and sat

that she failed to set a good example for her brother. She went back to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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